Hi, i m not sure what's causing the bsod, but can one of you experts check? thanks. ======================================================= Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7100. Locale ID: 4105 Additional information about the problem: BCCode: a BCP1: 0000000007AE4998 BCP2: 0000000000000002 BCP3: 0000000000000000 BCP4: FFFFF80002AE522B OS Version: 6_1_7100 Service Pack: 0_0 Product: 256_1 Files that help describe the problem: C:\Windows\Minidump\060509-18470-01.dmp C:\Users\*******\AppData\Local\Temp\WER-25662-0.sysdata.xml Read our privacy statement online: If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:\Windows\system32\en-US\erofflps.txt =======================================
June 8th, 2009 6:46am

t_mo_t,This error is usually caused by a driver.Have you completed the installation of Windows 7? Was it up and running?What are your system specs/hardware? Did you install any drivers yourself or were they all from Windows update?
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June 8th, 2009 5:23pm

Hey, thanks for the reply. Is there knowing what driver causing this issue? where can i see it? i tried to look for the files (dump and xml), the dump cant be read using notepad and xml is empty. I m currently using windows 7 to type this message. It's up and running and downloading updates i guess. I installed most of the driver that i know of. I installed evga 780i drivers (from evga, vista x64), evga gtx 275 (from evga, win 7 x64), logitech quickcam pro 5000 (windows installed), logitech mx-3200 (from logitech, vista x64), microsoft sidewinder x6 and x8 (from CD that they were included), Microsoft XBOX360 wireless controller for windows (from CD that they were included), Logitech G25 (from logitech, vista x64), logitech z cinema (from CD provided), generic bluetooth (microsoft installed). i guess those ones are the ones that need drivers i think. lol, a lot huh...
June 9th, 2009 4:12am

t_mo_t, Did you install the drivers in compatibility mode? If you right click on the computer icon and choose Manage, you can find your way into the event viewer. See if you can find the error relating to the BSOD and check it out, it might tell us what driver caused it.
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June 9th, 2009 4:18am

dwolters, Umm... no i didnt... should i install them in compatibility mode? how do i do that? right click on the setup.exe? Ok, i did what you recommend, but i dont know what to look... thanks so much.
June 9th, 2009 7:00am

Hello t_mo_t,In the ActionCenter you can troubleshoot your hardware and get a pretty detailed report of which drivers aren't working correctly or possibly conflicting with another driver.
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June 9th, 2009 9:36pm

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