BSOD - Ntoskrnl.exe

Im having bluescreens on my system. I'm with Windows 8.1 x64 Pro, and my OS is updated. I got 3 bsod's and BlueScreenView show me that ntoskrnl.exe is causing the bsod. One of the bsod's was caused by hal.dll and ntoskrnl.exe. I'm not overclocking. It always appears when I am playing League of Legends.

Here are the minidumps of all bsod's -!nJ8UAZTB!dbJ6W5JtgqISccpRucGQo2iROQIk_behP0njRGiRUHM

  • Edited by xXSantyXx Wednesday, February 11, 2015 9:17 PM
February 12th, 2015 12:11am

Hello xXSantyXx,

What is your current situation?
If this BSOD issue resolved after your uninstalling Kaspersky?

Best regards,
Fangzhou CHEN

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February 16th, 2015 9:39pm

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