BSOD after kb3025417 installed


Today I approved restart for my Windows 8.1 because of waiting updates to be finnished. Unfortunately I get BSOD (blue screen of death) after. During a day research I found that kb3025417 (March 2015 antimalware platform update for Windows Defender in Windows 8.1 and Windows 8) causes BSOD (blue screen of death) at windows startup. So windows just cycles BSODs at boot.

First I thought there is some problem with driver - there was update of bluetooth drivers in kb3029606 (Update to improve Bluetooth driver diagnosis in Windows 8.1), so I susspected there is some hardware incompatibility. But windows does not generated any dump file, what is strange because it complicated to find root cause so easy.

Fortunately there was restorepoint generated yesterday, so I was able to return Windows configuration from just day ago. Installing update by update I found that kb3025417 causes BSOD. Installing rest of updates from windows update rollout from March 10th 2015 was withouth problem. Just kb3025417 I may not install.

Google does not say anything about this problem. Is anybody here having same issue with this update?



March 14th, 2015 8:40pm


Thanks for feedback about kb3025417, since no similar case has been reported we cannot make sure if any official patch will be published by Microsoft.

According to your description, this BSOD issue might be caused by compatibility Issues between this update and other program installed (especially Anti-Spyware). However, since the troubleshooting might cause another BSOD issue, we suggest you keep this hiding this update temporarily.


D. Wu

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
April 3rd, 2015 5:25am


Thanks for feedback about kb3025417, since no similar case has been reported we cannot make sure if any official patch will be published by Microsoft.

According to your description, this BSOD issue might be caused by compatibility Issues between this update and other program installed (especially Anti-Spyware). However, since the troubleshooting might cause another BSOD issue, we suggest you keep hiding this update temporarily.


April 3rd, 2015 9:24am

Hello alltogether,

Again, windows crash with this week roll-out containing kb3038936 (August 2015 anti-malware platform update for Windows Defender in Windows 8.1 and Windows 8).

Fortunately windows updates are creating restore points, so I was able to "fix" problem.

Does anybody else had same experience? Found solution (other than not to install update)?


Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 13th, 2015 3:58pm

Installed Windows 10, problem gone (of course)
August 13th, 2015 4:37pm

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