Backup Operator Group - problem running Backup
Hi – I am trying to setup a <acronym>Win7</acronym> Pro PC backup so that the primary user does not have any admin rights. Setup Standard user login and then another separate login for file backups. Created a new login called Backup1, and assigned this User Account to the Backup Operators Group, and Users Group. Rebooted, and logged in as Backup1. Attempted to run Backup. Get the following error: The backup application could not start due to an internal error: You must be logged in as an administrator to perform this task. 0x81000010 I then get presented with all existing User Accounts including Administrator and the option to enter the Admin Password. If I select Admin and enter Admin p/w it works ok. If I select any other option the backup fails. I am at a loss as to how to sort this out – I understood that adding a User Account to the Backup Operators Group would allow that User to run Backup (only) without the necessity of entering an Admin password. Can anyone assist me with this please. Thanks in advance. The PC is not in a Domain or Workgroup -it is a standalone office PC. In Backup & Restore I am selecting an ad-hoc backup of one folder (My Documents) to a memory stick. I have tried other folders within different Accounts with the same result There are 3 User accounts seup on the PC - Admin, User1 & Backup1, If I use netplwiz to add the Backup1 account to the Backup Operator Group, the Backup1 logon icon disappears from the Welcome screen, Admin and User1 icons remain. If I use netplwiz to remove Backup1 from Backup Operator Group to any other Group (e.g.) Power User, the Backup1 logon icon reapppears on the Welcome screen, but of course Backup & Restore then fails with the above error. I have created a new account - Test - and used netplwiz to add this to the Backup Operators Group - exactly the same results. Setting Backup1 with Admin priveleges of course fixes the problem but defeats the purpose of trying to lock the PC down. Any assist appreciated, thank you
January 13th, 2012 9:38pm

Hi, sorry no one has responded for so long - did you resolve this? What OS are you running and which backup software are you trying to use? it sounds like this software requires administrative privileges to run, which is a seperate issue to the rights required to backup the system. You are right, backup operators provides the rights to access files for the purpose of creating a backup, but does not provide access to run applications. I hope this helps, you should be able to achieve what you are looking for.
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April 12th, 2012 10:52am

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