Binding program/process to NIC
Right, I have been working on this for a week now, I ended up with ForceBindIP and ProxyCap but I still cant get things work the way I want them to and its driving me nuts. I want to be able to bind certain processes/programs to certain Network Interface Cards/Adapters. I have 2 and both are connected to different networks. The problems with those 2 programs are following ForceBindIP: Doesnt work on stuff that launches 2 or more processes, or the process I want to route to the said NIC is launched after the main(bound) process. Thus making it only useful for browsers and simple network programs really. ProxyCap: No option to route processes to local networking interface. I need something median of these two, a way to bind several processes to NIC. I have also tried working with ROUTE command, but it didnt really work either. Why do I want/have to do this? - I'm streaming online games, and I cant stream good quality with just one connection as both are only OK for one thing. Is there ANY way to do this? Also, being able to utilize more than one network adapter in future windows versions would be totally awesome.
December 14th, 2011 10:42am

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December 15th, 2011 1:30pm

Hi, Kinda late but you have to try "Force Bind IP".
January 15th, 2012 3:37pm

Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I don't know what you mean with streaming games. Do you mean sharing or a dedicated server? You can use route combined with ForceBindIP. For better speed you can Team your NIC's. Kind Regards, Olaf.
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January 15th, 2012 3:53pm

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