Bitlocker and Windows 2000
Is it possible to read a bitlocker encrypted drive in a Windows 2000 machine? I know that it is possible on a widnows xp machine but not sure about the 2000 version.
June 28th, 2011 1:20am

Hello, as Windows 2000 is not yet supported by Microsoft, I don't think that reading a bitlocker encrypted drive is supported in Windows 2000. This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights. Microsoft Student Partner 2010 / 2011 Microsoft Certified Professional Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator: Security Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer: Security Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuration Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuration Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure, Configuration Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: Windows 7, Configuring Microsoft Certified IT Professional: Enterprise Administrator
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June 28th, 2011 9:02pm

Hi, Windows XP and Windows Vista read a bitlocker encrypted drive via BitLocker To Go Reader. Form the description of Microsoft Offical Website, unfortunately, this appliaction doesn’t support Windows 2000. Thanks for your understanding Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
June 30th, 2011 9:49am

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