Black Screen after installing Windows Update KB2607712
After installing Windows Update KB2607712 on my laptop (Windows 7 64-bit), I no longer get a logon screen -- it just "hangs" on a black screen . . . why?
September 7th, 2011 12:16pm

same thing happened to me. I checked all connections but knew it was not that...just did to be sure. Then I forced the screen by entering my sign in even though I could not see what I was typing...the screen was black. The only way I could get the screen to reappear so I could see if I was actually up and running was to click off the monitor then on stayed open just long enough for me to view that my icons were showing on my desktop...then it shut back down to black and I had to keep doing the same thing while I endeavored to QUICKLY get to programs...and then to windows soon as I click on windows update (after opening and shutting down the monitor for 1 second at a time.. it held and let me do the update. When I got to the update, I clicked on the KB2607712 and redownloaded it manually. Sure black screen went away. Then I went to windows utility log and found that the KB2607712 earlier download had failed. So to make this short and could have been a miserable 25 things...but in the end it was a failed download of KB2607712 on Tuesday September 6, 2011. Even my son who is almost a pro with this stuff didn't believe it could have been caused by the innocuous KB2607712 update....but it was. And I sent him the logs to show just what happened. Try to shut down and reopen your monitor (it only gives you a bare second). If you can get a glimpse of the sign in box, then even if you can see it, sign in. Then do the turn off monitor (not computer, just monitor) quickly again and see if you can see your will shut down again...turn off and on the monitor again and quickly open programs, then update microsoft...and redownload that kb2607712.
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September 7th, 2011 12:48pm

Thanks for your answer and I'm sorry you had to go through this, too. Unfortunately, my problem occurred on my laptop, so turning on/off the monitor is not an option. I had to go back into Safe Mode and do a system restore (to a point in time earlier than yesterday -- 9/6/2011). BTW, it didn't work the first few times -- I had to repeat this process several times for some reason, but eventually it worked. And now I have "hidden" this update, so it does not automatically install when I shut down the laptop. This wasted half of my day yesterday and half of my day today . . . I wonder if I can send an invoice to Microsoft for my time?!!! ;) To anyone else having this problem . . . my advice is to avoid installing this KB2607712 update from Microsoft until they fix it . . . or you may just end up frustrated for hours or even days. I would greatly appreciate an answer/response from Microsoft staff on this . . .Suzanne Hensler
September 7th, 2011 4:43pm

I'm getting this black screen issue too. It happens since the installation of update 2607712. I'm running 7 Ultimate 64-bit. Every time I start my PC on cold boot, once I get to the log in screen (password protected account) the screen goes black and then it displays properly and then it goes black again... and so on and so forth. A never ending cycle. I can access windows by typing my password but the screen is... well, unresponsive. It continues malfunctioning, showing my desktop with blank icons and gadgets then going black and trying to display desktop properly and then black again... Mouse cursor is really laggy and all I can do is press the power button to force a proper Windows shut down. When I turn my pc on again, everything works properly and I get no issues ... untill next cold boot. I tried cleaning the registry with CCleaner, I ran a full antivirus scan, I defragmented my system hard drive. Unfortunately I lost windows restore points during defrag (an old issue that uses to occur with some defrag softwares). I think I'll uninstall this update via control panel and I'll check if the issue gets fixed.
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September 8th, 2011 8:54am

Thanks for your answer and I'm sorry you had to go through this, too. Unfortunately, my problem occurred on my laptop, so turning on/off the monitor is not an option. I had to go back into Safe Mode and do a system restore (to a point in time earlier than yesterday -- 9/6/2011). BTW, it didn't work the first few times -- I had to repeat this process several times for some reason, but eventually it worked. And now I have "hidden" this update- this problem . . . my advice is to avoid installing this KB2607712 update from Microsoft until they fix it . . . or you may just end up trustrated for hours or even days. I would greatly appreciate an answer/response from Microsoft staff on this . . . Suzanne Hensler
September 8th, 2011 9:10am

I saw this on intel integrated graphics cards, if you have a external monitor connected to the laptop you will see the screen on it. Fix that worked was to get the latest video driver from Intel for that integrated laptop graphics card.:P Advice offered, If you need more help it is advised to seek the council and advice of paid professionals. The answer is always 42, or reboot.
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September 8th, 2011 1:00pm

I saw this on intel integrated graphics cards, if you have a external monitor connected to the laptop you will see the screen on it. Fix that worked was to get the latest video driver from Intel for that integrated laptop graphics card. :P Advice offered, If you need more help it is advised to seek the council and advice of paid professionals. The answer is always 42, or reboot. I have CrossfireX HD 4870 graphic cards here and my PC is a desktop one.
September 8th, 2011 1:53pm

Hi, I have this problem too. I have a Windows 7 x64 Prof Workstation in a domain with an ati graphic card. if the pc start, the boot-logo is showing and after this, i have a black screen (but the monitor is on! no stand-by) to fix this problem, i run my pc into the secure-mode and uninstalling the kb2607712 hotfix. ps: sorry for my bad english ;-)
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September 9th, 2011 2:05am

A client had similar problem. We could see he task bar and move the mouse but the desktop was black and we could do nothing. Just booted in safe mode and removed the "fix". All is back to normal now.
September 10th, 2011 2:21pm

I had the same problem, i installed that update, my background went black, and I "lost" my files, my videos/music/documents folders were empty. I had to uninstall the update and it fixed it, but i keep getting the stupid popup window "New updates ready for install" I had to turn off automatic update because everytime i shut down my laptop would install that update.
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September 11th, 2011 10:25am

You should probably "hide" the update rather than disable your automatic updates. Hit start button, type Windows Update, hit Enter, click on the suggested update, then find this one and right-click on it and choose "Hide Update."Suzanne Hensler
September 12th, 2011 11:23am

Hi, I have a new solution for this problem! Today I have install the update again by a mistake. When my screen was black, i show from a other pc over the network in the services mmc from my pc. the 2 services EFS and Zertifikatverteilung (CertPropSvc - i don't know the name in english) are hanging at startup. i put the starttype to manual and reset the pc... After this he is starting normaly... EFS is not start and CertPropSvc is start
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September 14th, 2011 3:33am

I can confirm that removing Update 2607712 fixed the issue for me. I uninstalled it via the control panel and I had a blue screen on windows start up the day after uninstallation. Except for that BSOD, I had no more issues. I have been using my PC for ten days since KB2607712 removal and everything works properly. Anyway, I'm getting a pop up windows notifying me new updates and KB2607712 is not included (it was the days after uninstallation). Maybe Microsoft canceled this update?
September 18th, 2011 1:15pm

I installed updates Saturday April 07, 2012 and I went shut down my computer (Installing updates). After computer was fully off, I click the power button and nothing appeared on my screen. Usually my motherboard(ASUS) would pop up and stay in place for 5seconds. but nothing appeared. Also, my USB Keyboard and Mouse will not appear to be on or active. Help? Specs: AMD FM1 Processor 3.0ghz, Radeon 6550D Graphics 8GB AMD Preformance RAM 64 Bit Windows Home Premium ASUS Motherboard Hitachi 500GB Hard Drive MSI Raptor Case.
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April 9th, 2012 2:15am

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