Black area around mouse pointer
Every now and then I find a black area following the mouse pointer -- like leaving a trail without any colour. this occurs in any open program from Outlook to Word and also in other programs I have installed. It disappears if I click the mouse away from the area and may not happen again for a while. I have installed the latest Nvidia drivers for Windows 7 - and there does not appear to be any other graphics issues. Any ideas?
January 28th, 2009 1:10am

To narrow this down I would try disabling the advanced graphics interface options and see if that helps. If you try the Windows Classic color scheme that will turn off the aero effects, and will give you a good place to start.
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January 28th, 2009 9:56am

Thank you Gordon for your reply. Sorry this has taken so longto get back -- I don't seem to be able torun in non aero mode.How can I do that?This issue is not a major but it does occur regularly. My system is resonably well spec'd so I thought I would report the issue hoping it might help. Thanks,
January 29th, 2009 3:55am

you can disable Aero by doing the following. 1. right click on the desktop and select Personalization.2. Scroll the themes window till you find "Ease of Access Themes" and then try either "Windows 7 Basic" or "Windows Classic" which are the first two you see. It does sound like a video driver issue, so I would expect it to be resolved with a driver update, but if you wanted to isolate it, the steps above will help.
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January 29th, 2009 4:52am

Thank you Gordon -- issue seems to be resolved on Windows 7 Basic -- and how FAST everything is! I assume there will be a driver update in due course - I have the latest Nvidia one. Really appreciate this forum and all your help -- windows 7 is very good!! Many thanks, Graeme.
January 29th, 2009 7:12am

Thanks for reporting back Graeme and letting us know how you went.
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January 29th, 2009 9:19am

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