Black screen after installing Panda global protection 2013 and reboot.
Good afternoon: PROBLEM: I have installed the Panda 2013 Global protection Antivirus and firewall from panda software. Yo can get the demo here: OK The thing it's that I install it with all the options Firewall and Antivirus. And the app needs a reboot. I made the reboot and after puting my password. Windows starts into the desktop but I only see a black screen and the cursor. I make a CONTROL+ALT+SUP and i enter to the task manager and only there's only a few process there including explorer. So I "Kill" explorer.exe and make a new task explorer.exe and nothing hapens. So I shut down the sesion reboot and enter into "proof of errors mode" and see in the windows registry if the windos registry "WINLOGON" it's pointing to the explorer.exe and it's OK. So I decided to unistall Panda 2013 (Last thing installed the thing could be from that). And reboot . Enter into windows. And all fine. No problem, enter to the desktop with no problem. So I decide to run the Panda 2013 installation by steps. Antivirus, reboot, OK. BUT when I install the PANDA 2013 FIREWALL and reboot I get the black sreen after entering the password in the winlogon screen. SO: It's Windows 7 ultimate 64bits. The Problem happens after installing Panda 2013. Please help. Thanks. So I don't know what's the thing the same thing happens also with the antimalwarebits app.
September 4th, 2012 2:47pm

Hi, The issue indicates that the culprit is Panda global protection. As you mentioned that the issue would not persist when you uninstall the App. You should try to contact Panda support for further help. You can also use the others anti-virus programs such like MSE to check if this compatibility problem would happen again. Finally, you would get more sense from the following Knowledge Base article: Why is my screen black when I start Windows 7? TechNet Community Support
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September 6th, 2012 5:24am

I'm in contact with Panda I will post what they say about.
September 7th, 2012 2:15pm

I'm in contact with Panda they think it's a issue with the Windows firewall or acuount control...
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September 12th, 2012 8:48am

Hi, If Panda said the reason from the Windows Firewall, you can try to disable it for check. If the problem would not persist, my suggestion is that dont run more than one Fire Wall in your system. Spencer TechNet Community Support
September 13th, 2012 10:23pm

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