Blue screen error 6B - Windows 7
Hi All, Got a blue screen error when I restarted my laptop today morning. Used bluescreenview to see the driver crashing and it was ntkrnlpa.exe Please can somebody help. Regards, Dev
July 26th, 2012 12:42am

Put in your Windows 7 Disk and perform a system restore. It looks like an update to a driver got corruptedPLEASE MARK ANY ANSWERS TO HELP OTHERS Blog: Twitter: @Rorymon
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July 26th, 2012 2:05am

Thanks a lot Roryman. I did that.. I mean when the it wasn't booting at all the system did a startup repair and then prompted to restore. I am back on the screen and working on the same laptop. I was just wondering and eager to find what might have caused this? Can you direct me on how can I proceed. I have seen many posts today regarding this and they still dont have a fix except by going back to Windows XP. I really want to help them all. Regards, Dev
July 26th, 2012 2:10am

Hi, You may *.dump file on SkyDrive and let us analyze for you. The log file will be %systemroot%\Minidump which is normally C:\windows\Minidump How to read the small memory dmp files that Windows creates for debugging Here is one discussion can be referred to. BSOD and errors in WinDebug TechNet Community Support
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July 26th, 2012 11:21pm

Hi Ivan, I will let you know once it happens again. since it happened on 27th June 2012. Thanks a lot for your help and time. Regards, Dev
July 31st, 2012 2:14am

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