Blue screen giving me cancer

I was using my laptop and then suddenly the screen showed that my laptop ran into a problem and had to restart. Apparently it was collecting some error info and on the bottom it said SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION ( bd0002.sys). After it reached 100% the screen turned blue.

I forced shutdown a few times and turned it back on but it still didn't work. After fiddling with it i found the Samsung BIOS Configuration. But when I exited that, the computer still restarted. The blue screen is really breaking my back.

My computer is a Samsung ATIV SmartPC Pro 700T (XE700T1C-AE3AU. The system is still win 8.

Any suggestions?

December 24th, 2014 9:02am


In order to assist you, we will need the .DMP files to analyze what exactly occurred at the time of the crash, etc.

If you don't know where .DMP files are located, here's how to get to them:

1. Navigate to the %systemroot%\Minidump folder.

-- %systemroot% is the environment variable for your Windows directory. For example, C:\Windows.

2. Copy any and all .DMP files in the Minidump folder to your Desktop, create a new folder on the Desktop to put these .DMP files in, and then zip the folder. You can then either use a 3rd party tool such as 7-Zip/Winrar, or you can use Windows' default method of zipping folders.

Compress and uncompress files (zip files).

Please note that any "cleaner" programs such as TuneUpUtilities, CCleaner, etc, by default will delete .DMP files upon use. With this said, if you've run such software, and your Minidump folder is empty, you will need to allow the system to crash once again to generate a crash dump.

3. Upload the .ZIP containing the .DMP files to Onedrive or a hosting site of your choice and paste in your reply.

Preferred sites: Onedrive, Mediafire, Dropbox, etc. Nothing with wait-timers, download managers, etc.

4 (optional): The type of .DMP files located in the Minidump folder are known as Small Memory Dumps. In %systemroot% there will be what is known as a Kernel Memory Dump (if your system is set to generate). It is labeled MEMORY.DMP. The difference between Small Memory Dumps and Kernel Memory Dumps in the simplest definition is a Kernel Memory Dump contains much more information at the time of the crash, therefore allowing further debugging of your issue. If your upload speed permits it, and you aren't going against any strict bandwidth and/or usage caps, etc, the Kernel Memory Dump is the best choice. Do note that Kernel Memory Dumps are much larger in size due to containing much more info, which is why I mentioned upload speed, etc.

If you are going to use Onedrive but don't know how to upload to it, please visit the following:

Upload photos and files to Onedrive.

After doing that, to learn how to share the link to the file if you are unaware, please visit the following link - Share files and folders and change permissions and view 'Get a link'.

If your computer is not generating .DMP files, please do the following:

1. Start > type %systemroot% which should show the Windows folder, click on it. Once inside that folder, ensure there is a Minidump folder created. If not, CTRL-SHIFT-N to make a New Folder and name it Minidump.

2. Windows key + Pause key. This should bring up System. Click Advanced System Settings on the left > Advanced > Performance > Settings > Advanced > Ensure there's a check-mark for 'Automatically manage paging file size for all drives'.

3. Windows key + Pause key. This should bring up System. Click Advanced System Settings on the left > Advanced > Startup and Recovery > Settings > System Failure > ensure there is a check mark next to 'Write an event to the system log'.

Ensure Small Memory Dump is selected and ensure the path is %systemroot%\Minidump.

4. Double check that the WERS is ENABLED:

Start > Search > type services.msc > Under the name tab, find Windows Error Reporting Service > If the status of the service is not Started then right click it and select Start. Also ensure that under Startup Type it is set to Automatic rather than Manual. You can do this by right clicking it, selecting properties, and under General selecting startup type to 'Automatic', and then click Apply.

If you cannot get into normal mode to do any of this, please do this via Safe Mode.


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December 26th, 2014 3:11am


We have not heard from you in a couple of days. Please post back at your convenience if we can assist further.

December 29th, 2014 9:48am

A quick search for bd0002.sys appears to indicate that it is a component of Baidu PC Faster. Removal of this software should resolve your system crashes.

Windows Outreach Team- IT Pro
Windows for IT Pros on TechNet

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February 17th, 2015 5:15pm

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