Blue screen of death at startup with no possible way of starting OS!
Recently installed Microsoft Security Essentials on my IBM laptop. Through this process I had to validate my copy of windows which was normal for any new Microsoft programs. Everything appeared to work great. I just went to use the laptop this evening and a message appeared on my desktop that my copy of windows was not valid. I attempted to get on the internet and research the problem when I noticed that I was not connected to my wireless network. I then tried to restart the wireless zero config utility that for some reason would never start up at boot but usually stayed started when I didn't shut down. So I clicked on the start programs and everything hung. The only thing I could do was shut it off. At reboot I got the BSOD and cannot get past that with any option. It really sucks considering this computer has been error free for almost six years. There is no way to replace the content on this drive as I had always synchronized to my desktop computer. Unfortunately thanks to WD's junk hard drives, I lost two drives within weeks of each other. One being my complete back-up of ten years of computing. You simply cannot replace that kind of info. I'm sorry to say this on a Microsoft site but, Windows 98se with all of its updates was absolutely the last of the best operating systems Microsoft has offered. The XP upgrade to that computer resulted in a loss I just get furious over when I think about it considering the options available at that time to backup which has always been limited unless you run a server on your home network. That being said I am pretty sure I have a hopeless situation here but wonder if any really computer savvy techs out there could help me out here it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.1 person needs an answerI do too
August 25th, 2010 5:51am

That might depend on the exact BSOD msg, are you not able to boot to safe mode?All hd's fail at some time, even new ones can fail quicklyFor critical data backups you should allways use at least two seperate devices to backup to, and preferably two seperate types of backup app
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August 25th, 2010 7:40pm

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