Boot Problem

I accidently deleted my windows 8.1 entry from msconfig and I have dual boot. So how could i recover it.

Could you give me a solution how to recover it without using easyBCD

March 6th, 2014 4:07pm


Here are what we can do to restore the boot entry

Adding Boot Entries

You can try to run following commands:

BCDedit   //display boot loaders
bcdedit /copy {GUID for windows 8.1} /d "Windows 8.1"

Hope these could be helpful.

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March 7th, 2014 9:52am

Hi Ajay,

We haven't heard from you about several days.

Have you take time to check the previous post which will definitely help you to add BCD entries? Please feel free to try it and let me know the result. If the reply is helpful, please mark it as answer which can benefit other Community members.

Otherwise, please post back with your current status or difficult you meet during these steps.

We will wait for another several days and if there is no further response, we considered to close this thread as answered, however you can also come back and we are always here to help you.

March 11th, 2014 10:56pm

This topic is archived. No further replies will be accepted.

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