Broadcom 4321 WLAN Not Detected
The HP forum is worthless, so I thought I'd give Microsoft a try. I've installed Windows 7 Ultimate x86 on my machine (hp tx2110us). Been able to get pretty much everything working, but the Broadcom WLAN isn't consistent. Sometimes when I reboot it disappears! Can't see it in Device Manager at all, like it's not even connected! When I installed Windows 7 initially it detected the card during setup on first boot and I had no problem connecting to my network. At first I thought it was a conflict as it seemed to happen when I installed other drivers. So I wiped the HD, did a CLEAN install of 7, got it working, installed the Windows Update for Broadcom, rebooted, AND IT DISAPPEARED. So no other drivers have been installed other than stock Windows and IT STILL DISAPPEARED. I rebooted into safe mode with networking to see if maybe it would appear, got nothing. So I rebooted and when I logged in, IT CAME BACK! So I rebooted again without changing ANYTHING, and guess what? NO WIRELESS CARD. Not in the device manager, not listed under Network, not listed under unknown, NOT LISTED. Win 7 just seems to see it whenever it feels like it! Win7 probably detects it about 1 time out of 25 reboots. I've tried installing the suggested HP driver for it, but it has zero effect. How can I troubleshoot a device that doesn't appear in the device manager?!?! Does anyone have a clue?
November 9th, 2009 2:42am

Hello Romanonly, Drivers on the Windows Update site are directly provided by hardware manufacturers. Microsoft tests drivers in various environments before they are published; however, we cannot guarantee all drivers will work on all hardware platforms as there are too many different models, although their hardware ID are the same as the standard version. In some cases, due to hardware modifications by different manufacturers, the driver updates may cause some problems. I suppose that the issue you mention inthe problemdescriptionis most likely caused by the incompatibility of the Networking card driver. I'd suggest you installing the legacy Vista/XPdriver inCompatibility mode. First rebooting the computer to make the networking card visible in the device manager. Then remove it from the list and rescan hardware, right-click on the driver executable/installer file -> Properties and select the Compatibility tab; click the checkbox before Run this program in Compatibility mode for option and select the appropriate system in the list-down box; then try installing the device driver via Run as administrator. Meanwhile, please understand that Windows 7 is a new operating system and whole driverstore has been reprogrammed; you might wait or push the device manufacturer (HP) to upgrade its driver. Thanks for your time and understanding! For more details, please look at the first Sticky threadat the top ofthis forum. What can I do if my hardware does not work? This will give you some guidelines. Good Luck! Andy
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November 9th, 2009 12:05pm

I believe I solved the problem, so far so good, I've rebooted many times and installed Windows Updates and it's still working. I don't know if this will solve EVERYONE'S network problems, but this is on my HP tx2110us with a Broadcom 4321 AG 802.11b/g card. This will solve the problem of Windows 7 NOT detecting the network card at all. Here's what I did: ***note: HP TX series notebooks get VERY HOT because of a design flaw, I generally run mine in power saver mode (except when doing memory intensive stuff like photoshop, and then I put it on a cooling pad!) so when you do ANY OS install DO IT IN THE FREEZER. Windows setup DOES NOT USE PROCESSOR SCALING, IT WILL ABUSE YOUR PROCESSOR AND MEMORY TO THE MAXIMUM AND THE NOTEBOOK MAY OVERHEAT MID INSTALL.*** Install Windows 7, upgrade is okay, but clean is always the best way. Once it's up and running I suggest going into your advanced power settings and scaling your processor back to about 60% to prevent overheating, you can experiment with it later. Install ALL drivers for hardware, when complete make sure to look in Device Manager, there should be NO unknown devices. When you have all hardware installed, re-insert your Windows 7 disc WHILE WINDOWS IS RUNNING. When the dialog comes up run the install, choose UPGRADE. (again mine went into the freezer) Once you've completed the upgrade, all of your drivers/files/software will be intact, but Windows Updates will need to be run. Install them, however: I DID NOT INSTALL THE WINDOWS UPDATE FOR THE BROADCOM DRIVER OR THE NVIDIA GEFORCE GO 6150. I do not know if the Broadcom driver will work or not, but at this point I am using the driver that comes with Windows and it seems to be working just fine. You can experiment with this, but if it "breaks" your networking card, you will probably have to run the Windows 7 upgrade process to fix it, because once it's broken you can't get to it in Device Manager. Also, I used the original driver from HP for the 6150, whether that matters or not I don't know, but I do know that the Windows Update 6150 driver will REALLY slow down your UAC everytime it comes up. I DID use ALL other Windows updates available. I'm pretty sure I'm good to go now, but I'll moniter it for the next few days and if anything goes wrong I will report it.
November 10th, 2009 1:43am

Thanks for support Microsoft!~ If you encounter any problem in the future, welcome to use Microsoft Technet Forum again!
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November 10th, 2009 9:20am

My solution was only temporary, here it is a day later and my wireless card has disappeared again. No matter how many times I reboot, no matter how many times I scan for hardware Windows 7 refuses to acknowledge that it exists at all. There appears to be no way to have Windows 7 AND wireless on my HP.
November 10th, 2009 9:58pm

To romanonly, one of my friend has HP laptop also. the wireless card disppear also. I checked the HP websites, I think ppl said there is deficit on the motherboard, so u have to buy a usb wirless card. Basically, my friend just plug his laptop to the router directly now, He doesn't use the wireless anymore.
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November 12th, 2009 6:15pm

Yes, I believe its a problem with the motherboard too, HP says that they ARE going to support this model for Win7. If Win 7 can't detect the WLAN at all, then it's gotta be the motherboard. I tested the WLAN with Win XP and it's definitely functional, so it can't be the card itself. It's just weird to me that the WLAN worked perfectly when I first installed Win7, I don't get why it would just disappear after it clearly detected it. I've ordered an external USB card, waiting for it to arrive. Unless someone has a solution I suppose I will have to wait for HP to release new Win7 specific drivers for my machine, who knows when that will be.
November 12th, 2009 10:59pm

I've been slaving over this same issue. Quite annoying. Glad to see I'm not the only one. About to start carrying my external USB wireless adapter around. Very annoying. Tried playing with power saving settings to no avail. Works fine in windows vista. Why not 7.
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November 23rd, 2009 10:43am

Odd. I ordered a D-Link USB WLAN from eBay, and got it in the mail Monday. Plugged it in, got it working, and then... The first time I rebooted with it plugged in, my Broadcom re-appeared, then disappeared after 3 or 4 reboots. It happened again today. Funny thing is, the Broadcom has not worked 1 single time since I ordered the D-Link, that was 2 weeks ago, now suddenly it's come on twice in the 3 days I've had the external wireless.
November 26th, 2009 9:04am

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