CHKDSK /R on NTFS drive other than C: takes up HUGE amount of memory
Hi All, Not sure if you are aware but over on, here, a pretty serious bug has been found in the "RTM" and 16399 versions of Win 7. Basically running the chkdsk /r command on any NTFS drive other than C: starts eating up huge amounts of memory (gigs) around Stage 4, it has been suggested that this can cause a blue screen, but opinion is divided against that right now. Somebody also confirmed it as present in Sever 2008 R2 as well. I haven't tried this myself as i don't have the RTM Windows 7 but apparently its there.
August 4th, 2009 3:22pm

Use the Search Forums box above and search for Chkdsk. This subjecthas been mentioned before: Is CHKDSK in Windows 7 RC still in beta? and Windows 7 chkdsk memory leak? are a couple of examples. But, not to worry. It's just a program that's easily updated.
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August 4th, 2009 3:31pm

Blue Raja - Might be wise to hold off on reports about this sort of thing. Like you, none ofus have a legit copy of Win 7 RTM - YET... The only legitimate builds that we can discuss here are bulds 7000 and 7100 (Beta and RC). RTM build 7600 will likely be free for discussion once it's available to TechNet Plus subscribers later this week. Until then, it's considered off topic. The official word on this can be found here.
August 4th, 2009 3:33pm

Blue Raja - Might be wise to hold off on reports about this sort of thing. Like you, none ofus have a legit copy of Win 7 RTM - YET... The only legitimate builds that we can discuss here are bulds 7000 and 7100 (Beta and RC). RTM build 7600 will likely be free for discussion once it's available to TechNet Plus subscribers later this week. Until then, it's considered off topic. The official word on this can be found here . Wolfie, I'm not condoning the downloading of the RTM, im simply stating that those who have it, and lets face it, it is out there, are reporting this issue. I'm not part of the stick my head in the sand brigade and thought i would bring it to the attention of the folk here. Its information, thats all, what Microsoft choose to do with it is upto them. It was also mentioned as being present in the 7000 and 7100 builds as well anyway. Derosnec, Thanks for the info, i did search around but could'nt find this posted anywhere, my bad!
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August 4th, 2009 4:07pm

Hi Raja This is a known bug that appeared in the RC build, but it only affected certain systems. Reading that thread that you posted the link to, it looks like the same issue, but there were many posts there from other users who could not recreate the issue. This is something we can test and discuss after the 6th when we have access to 7600.We do have a policy about not discussing Windows 7 builds that are not released yet, so I will be locking this thread for now. Thanks for understanding.Regards, Ronnie Vernon MVPForum Moderator
August 4th, 2009 4:48pm

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