CHKDSK appears when booting on my XP Host after using Windows 7
hi guys, i need help. i have installed windows 7 rc 7100 into a virtual mach hosted by xp pro. just to run a test but each tym i log on to my virtual windows 7 it chkdsk appears when after next boot on my xp. and i noticed that after logging on xp. i need to take ownership of the files i have opened using windows 7 i have set my hard disk (D:) to be shared on my virtual os. and still i need to take ownership in windows 7 to gain access to my D: what causes this problem and what is the best solution guys? ^^ thx. i am using vmware workstation 6 windows xp professional as my host. ^^
July 22nd, 2009 7:06am

does any one know what im asking?? it seems no one can answer my question hmp >:(
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July 23rd, 2009 6:05pm

Hi MAGNUMHEART,It seems you are accessing the D:-drive from Windows 7 and Windows XP at the same time. This will always cause issues, because you are not supposed to directly access a volume from two operating systems at the same time. This will create corruptions in the file system. Windows cluster services takes special measures to avoid this situation.If you want to access the D:-drive from Windows 7, you can do two things:- Take the disk offline in Windows XP- Share the disk from Windows XP so that Windows 7 accesses the data througha share in the VM.The short message is do not use direct access from a VM when the host can access the drive at the same time.Ray
July 23rd, 2009 7:29pm

thx ^^ but how can i share the disk from xp to 7. as u said in number 2
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July 24th, 2009 6:07am

I don't have VMWare Workstation at hand here, but the product has an option to share folders on the hoste with a VM. This creates a share that you can access from the the VM as a network share.I think theoption is available from the VM properties screen.Ray
July 24th, 2009 4:00pm

really all that is needed is to create a share that both have access to (I run VMware / virtual boxand do this all the time)The issue with having taking ownership comes from when a XP useris setup you are asked if you wish to make your files / folders private.I solved this by using win 7 to create a new folder / share and moving the data to be shared there...problem gone...
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July 25th, 2009 7:15am

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