CLEANMGR.EXE at near 100% CPU
I opened Clean Disk but it kept running after several minutes so I closed it. Now CLEANMGR.EXE process is running near 100% CPU. The hard disk is not full. I want to stop this process.1 person needs an answerI do too
February 12th, 2011 2:14am

Select Ctrl+Alt+Delete to bring up Task Manager. Click on the Applications tab, place the curson Disk Cleanup (CLEANMGR.EXE ) and End Task. You may need to be patient but it will end the task. The task will probanly have ended anyway by the time you read this message but that's the solution for next time.The behaviiour by the Disk CleanUp tool could be because it had not been run for a long time. It not only removes unwanted temporary files but also compresses files not recently accessed. It is a known problem with Disk CleanUp that it can take a long time to assess the space gained by compressing files. this helps, Gerry Cornell
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February 12th, 2011 6:02am

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