Can't Disable Windows Firewall Service?
Hi All, My company is using Sunbelt Software's VIPRE Enterprise Premium as out endpoint anti-malware solution. Along with the anti-malware engine/scanner, the software includes a software firewall (hence the "Premium" version). Having installed/configured the firewall included in VIPRE (and having it "Integrate" with the Windows Action Center) I disabled the Windows Firewall service. As is my understanding, Windows Vista/7 must have a firewall installed, whether it be the Windows one (and even setting the profiles to "Off") or a third-party one, otherwise it will not send/recieve network traffic. Now, keeping in mind I have a separate software firewall, I received a message this morning stating the following: The Windows Firewall service is not running. Windows cannot automatically enable or disable Remote Desktop because the Windows Firewall service is not running. To fix this problem, open Control Panel, click Administrative Tools, click Services, double-click Windows Firewall, and then click Start. Then, on the Remote tab in System Properties, enable or disable Remote Desktop. Okay, so what gives here? I have a separate firewall installed; I should not be forced in to keeping the Windows Firewall enabled ("anti-competitive practices", anyone?) to make system changes. Yes, I know I can have it set to "Off" for all of the profiles, but why tie-up system resources if the service isn't being used?! What other "Surprises" are in store for me because I have the Windows Firewall disabled? Thanks in advance!
September 30th, 2010 9:59am

From my experience, Windows 7 and Server 2008 (R1/2) really do not like this service turned off. I even had a server go so far as to refuse to share any printer without this service running...really is a pain that you have to keep it running and turn the profiles off rather than just issue a simple "stop and do not auto start" command.
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September 30th, 2010 6:35pm

...really is a pain that you have to keep it running and turn the profiles off rather than just issue a simple "stop and do not auto start" command. Exactly. You could do it in Windows XP if you were so inclined, but not on any of the NT6 or higher systems. I understand the need for a firewall; I understand the inclusion of the firewall in to Windows. I just find this whole "You're gonna leave it running whether you like it or not" mentality to be deplorable. I have a separate software firewall, why utilize more resources for something I'm not using? This just reeks of the same stink that got Microsoft in to anti-trust/monopolistic hot water in the first place, and it disappoints me.
October 1st, 2010 10:58am

I agree. I understand the technical reason why, but MS should have kept the ability to stop this service and not adversely effect other windows components.
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October 1st, 2010 12:34pm

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