Can't Get Past the Welcome Screen!!
Hi: My computer got a virus yesterday. I did AVG, Malware and Spybot scans and it located a CoolWWWsearch.olehelp Trojan, backdoor.bots, and a shell.exe, dwm.exe, and a random svchost.exe kept popping up. I didn’t notice what was wrong until my clicks on Google started taking me to the wrong sites, bad sites.Anyways, right before I decided to shut down the computer, I did one final scan and before I could manually shutdown my computer I got a countdown screen that stated that my computer was shutting down and that the shutdown was initiated by NT Authority/System.When I rebooted my computer it booted up to the blue XP Welcome Screen. It does the standard “Loading your settings” BUT THEN it goes right into “Saving your settings” i.e. in shutdown mode.I can’t get past the blue Welcome Screen in any of the safe modes, etc. And I've also tried for both the Admin and User. (When I try all the different ways to login some take longer to change to "Saving your settings" and moving to shutdown mode.I do not have the XP disks for my computer, so I just need to get by this screen so that I can get in there and delete this virus(es), or at the very least, copy my desktop documents to a separate disk!!!!!!!Is there any other way that I can get in besides using the XP disk or starting in SafeMode, both of which are not options?Any help would be much appreciated as I am in dire need.1 person needs an answerI do too
November 18th, 2010 10:38am

If you can boot into the "Safe Mode with Command Prompt", a good first step would be to do a System Restore to a point in time before you developed these problems. Refer to the following article:"How to start the System Restore tool by using the safe mode option with the Command prompt in Windows XP" < >If that doesn't work and/or you just want to get quick access to your files to back them up, try creating a free Live Linux CD such asKnoppix and boot your machine from this CD. This will give you access to your hard drive and any USB or networked drives available so that you can back up your files. Creating the disk is as easy as downloading a ".iso" file and use your CD-burning program's "Burn Image" feature to create the bootable CD. Other boot disks such asBart PE or Ultimate Boot CD for Windows will also get the job done but include a "build" step requiring a Windows Install disk and are a bit harder to create.HTH, JW
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November 18th, 2010 4:10pm

If it doesn't work in safe mode then try safe mode with command prompt as Wunders said. then type regeditat the command prompt. then go toHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogonand set the value shell to explorer.exerestart and see if it works
November 20th, 2010 9:22pm

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