Can't hibernate or standby after downloading atest MS upgrade
WinXP: can't hibernate or standby after downloading and installing latest (10/6/10) MS upgrades. Get an error massage that says MS NET Framework v1.1.4322 is preventing the machine........I located that upgrade on my HD, even downloaded the latest version from MS, but I am reluctant to delete anything and/or reinstall the new version manually.Any suggestions?
October 9th, 2010 5:59pm

same problem here
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October 10th, 2010 8:11pm

When you choose to Hibernate or Stand By, XP "checks" with all the applications and devices and decides if it is okay to enter that mode or not.You might be informed some download is in progress, an install is in progress, the printer is busy, etc. It depends. Everything has to say it is okay to enter that mode, or it will not be allowed. If one thing says it it now okay, you will get those kinds of ...preventing the system from... messages.If it is not okay, XP will try to tell you what process or device told it that is holding things up so you can wait for it to finish up or fix it some other way.If you look in the Processes tab of Task Manager and you see install.exe running (probably), that is likley the dotnetfx.exe trying to install (or something is trying to install). You may have to end the install.exe process through Task Manager and repeat the installation of the .NET framework again (manually this time).Some antivirus softwares will also interfere with the installation of .NET packages (Avira!, Avast, AVG), so they must be disabled to install or, you can boot in Safe Mode where there will be no antivirus running, then do the install of the .NET framework package(s), then reboot normally.The .NET Framework 1.1 is required by some older programs (.NET 4.0 is the current version). The request to get 1.1 is usually during the installation of older third party software, so did you just recently try to install something and what is that something?I would check in Add/Remove Programs and see if you see listed the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 and if you do, uninstall it and reboot.Then see if your Hibernate or Stand By works, but it will not work if the install.exe is still running in Task Manager (that is the real problem).If you still think you need the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 package for something (what is it?), download and install the dotnetfx.exe directly from here, then run the dotnetfx.exe to install the framework. download should start, save the dotnetfx.exe file it to your desktop or someplace you can find it, and double click the executable to launch the installation. You may need to boot in Safe Mode of you have some other program interfering with the installation!What is your system make and model?What is your XP Version and Service Pack?Describe your current antivirus and anti malware situation: McAfee, Norton, Spybot, AVG, Avira!, MSE, Defender, ZoneAlarm, PC Tools, Comodo, etc.Does the afflicted system have a working CD/DVD drive?Do you have a genuine bootable XP installation CD (this is not the same as any Recovery CDs that came with your system)?Fill in the blank: My system was working fine until _________________________________________. Don't guess what the problem might be - figure it out and fix it. I need YOUR votes and points for helpful replies and Propose as Answers. I am saving up for a pony!
October 10th, 2010 11:40pm

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