Can't open PDF files from Windows Explorer on Windows 8.1


after I've upgraded to Windows 8.1, I can't open PDF files from Windows Explorer (directly double clicking the file). The AcroRd32.exe runs in the background (2x !) as I see the processes in task manager, but there is no user interface visible. I have Acrobat Reader 11.0.06, the desktop version (not Metro). I tried uninstalling the Acrobat reader and installing it again but this didn't help. The only way to open PDF files is to close the AcroRd32.exe from the task manager, open empty Acrobat Reader from the desktop and then drag&drop the PDF file over that window. This is quite inconvenient. Is there a way to fix this issue so I can open PDF files directly from windows explorer?

Many thanks!

January 21st, 2014 3:40am

Try uninstall Adobe Reader and restart your PC and download and reinstall it.

Run Windows Update and install all updates.

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January 21st, 2014 3:54am

Excellent, it works! The restart after uninstalling does the trick. Thanks!
January 21st, 2014 6:09am

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