Can't save files because of write protection
hello! Windows 7 is a great OS!!! but i need some help with this problem: i've vista on my c: partition installed,i store my stuff on second partition d:,and then i've decided to try out windows 7and installed it on a third partition F: .all seemed to go just fine because doing so i could acess my folders either from vista and 7,but now i've find a problem when i try to save something on a folder windows (both vista and 7) says the folder is write protected,I need to change the read-only attribute of a folder, to make it writable.However, the box shows a blue square, not a check mark, and I can't seem to clear the box. Clicking on the box, clears the blue square, and when I click the apply button the machine asks about applying the change to sub-folders and files. I click yes, and then ok to close the box, but If I then re-open the properties of the folder, the blue square is back, and the folder is not writable.each new folder i create has the same problem,folders on external drives as well the only place i manage to save a file is desktop.i've thot that was because of windows 7 media share so i turn it off but it didn't work and my user name as full acess to the folders write,read,change... so I've no idea how I can fix that ,please help me!
February 8th, 2009 2:41pm

Folders cannot be Read Only. Only files can. Windows ignores the Read Only attribute on folders. take it the folders work normally in Vista? This is because they were created from Vista. In Vista add the Everyone group and give them modify permisssions. You should now be able to access the files in Windows 7. Kerry Brown MS-MVP - Windows Desktop Experience
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February 8th, 2009 7:05pm

thanks for your answer Kerry!you're right my problem has nothing to do with the read only box!but when I acess my files on d: Partition from windows 7 it somehow removed my write change rights to my user account in vista ,actualy when i got back to vista i had windows ask me to take control of the files on d: so i confirmed it and it was ok, untill i had to save something in to those folders!!!.Now when i right click on a folder and go to properties->security i can see 2 unknown accounts (i supose it's Windows 7 accounts (user account/admnistrator))with full control and my user account has only read when i changed that to full control that solved my problem.I don't know what caused that but maibe it's because my accounts both in vista and in 7 have the same name.Anyway I thot it was a good idea when i partitioned my HD in that way!because i could work with both OS and work with my files.
February 8th, 2009 8:38pm

Windows doesn't really use user names. Your account is actually identified by a SID which is the numbers you see in the unknown accounts. Each installation creates a SID for each user which is unique to that installation. If you have a user account in Vista called "Bob" it's SID will be different from a user account in Windows 7 called "Bob" so both installations of Windows think they are different accounts. There are some SIDs that are standard like the actual "Administrator" account or the "Everyone" group. If you give these accounts or groups permisssions the permisssions should persist when you boot to a different installation of Windows. You can also do as you did and grant permisssions to the "Bob" account in each installation. Either way works.Glad you got it sorted out. Brown MS-MVP - Windows Desktop Experience
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February 8th, 2009 9:07pm

thanks! that really explains all!
February 8th, 2009 10:33pm

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