Can I reinstall a fresh copy of Windows 8 on a tablet that came with it?
I recently bought Lenovo IdeaTab Lynx K3011 tablet that came with Windows 8 Pro preinstalled on it. Although it didn't have too much crapware, I'd prefer to have a fresh copy of Windows without Norton deep-seated in it, etc. Is there any way I can download Windows 8 from Microsoft and reuse whatever is needed for registration?
July 12th, 2013 4:50pm

No.  You would have to reinstall Windows 8 using the Lenovo recommended reinstallation procedure.
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July 12th, 2013 4:57pm

get a clean MSDN/Technet ISO and install Windows again. The Setup will use your OEM Key which is embedded to the UEFI.
July 13th, 2013 3:58am

@Andre, thanks, man. Sounds like a really good idea. Although I'm trying to find the Windows 8 ISO and all I get from MS is 8.1 demo. Any idea where to get it?
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July 14th, 2013 3:34pm

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