Can not start lanmanworkstation in safe mode
Hi, I need to execute some DOS commands from the command prompt in safe mode. My Net Use is failing because the Lanmanworkstation is stopped I tried this to start it: SC Start Lanmanworkstation That failed and this Sc config lanmanworkstation start= demand That was accepted but sc queryex said the lanmanworkstation was 1 stopped How do I start It? Thanks Frank C
September 6th, 2010 8:34pm

Please proceed like that: - Please right click on the CMD - Use run as an administrator option -Use the command sc start Lanmanworkstation If this does not work, please write the error message. This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
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September 6th, 2010 9:06pm

Thanks for the reply Mr. X The command was issued from the command prompt of the administrator id in safe mode. The error is: Start Service Failed 1068 = The dependency service or group failed to start Frank C Win Vista Ultimate 64 bit
September 6th, 2010 9:29pm

You can use "sc qc <service>" to find the dependencies like this: sc qc Lanmanworkstation Now find out if the dependency services are running or not. If not please try to start them. If this solve your problem, please mark as helpful and as a response the replies that helped you. This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
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September 6th, 2010 9:54pm

Mr. X Thank you for the reply. I tried to start each dependency and failed with these results: Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002] Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. A C:\Windows\system32>sc qc lanmanworkstation [SC] QueryServiceConfig SUCCESS SERVICE_NAME: lanmanworkstation TYPE : 20 WIN32_SHARE START_TYPE : 3 DEMAND_STAR ERROR_CONTROL : 1 NORMAL BINARY_PATH_NAME : C:\Windows\Syst LOAD_ORDER_GROUP : NetworkProvider TAG : 0 DISPLAY_NAME : Workstation DEPENDENCIES : Bowser : MRxSmb10 : MRxSmb20 : NSI SERVICE_START_NAME : NT AUTHORITY\Lo C:\Windows\system32>sc start Browser [SC] StartService FAILED 1068: The dependency service or group failed to st C:\Windows\system32>sc start MRxSmb10 [SC] StartService FAILED 1084: This service cannot be started in Safe Mode C:\Windows\system32>sc start MRxSmb20 [SC] StartService FAILED 1084: This service cannot be started in Safe Mode C:\Windows\system32>sc start NSI [SC] StartService FAILED 1084: I am doing this in safe mode because the other DOS commands that I wish to run must be done here to bypass corrupted owner and permisssions. I want to access an external disk NET USE T: \\EXTERNALDRIVE\Public\Backup-Music and then delete the corrupted folder RMDIR T: \American-Light-Music-Classics /S It's beginning to look like this is not possible. Thanks Frank C
September 7th, 2010 12:12am

For taking ownership and Full Control permission of Files and Folders in Vista, please have a look to this article: Try the proposed solution and tell me the result. This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 7th, 2010 1:19am

Thank you Mr. X I have exhausted ny attempts to fix my problem via TAKEOWN and ICACLS. See this thread: When I tried ICACLS or TAKEOWN as administrator I got access denied That is why I was attempting to go the DOS Recovery console route. THanks Frank C
September 7th, 2010 7:44pm

Mr X, I carefully went throught the steps that you prescribed. I ran Windows Explorer as administrator. At step seven; "Additional advanced server settings" I got "Unable to set new owner on -file name-. Access denied. In Owner > Other users or groups I got; "Program can not open required dialog box because it can not determine wheather the computer named EXTERNALDRIVE is joined to a domain. Close this message and try again". EXTERNALDRIVE is the name of my drive on my home network. It is not a computer. I have no problem accessing other files on this drive. It is just these few (18) that are frusturating me because I can not delete thrm. I was able to change permissions to full control for all owners listed but this did not help with the delete function. Thanks Frank C
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September 9th, 2010 4:20pm

All of the previous posts were my attempts to delete folders on a local network connected external drive. The folders and files had an owner that I could not change. They were created with Robocopy. My stepson who is a computer whiz came to visit and provided this solution: He defined a administrative user in Windows exactly equal to the owner of folders on the the external drive that I could not manage - (EXTERNALDRIVE\admin). Other owners; (Unix User\nobody) and (EXTERNALDRIVE\everyone were OK I could manipulate them -move delete etc..He made this owner - admin - part of WORKGROUP using the Western Digital user interface. With this ID he copied the folders with bad files to a temp folder, deleted the bad folder and renamed the temp folder to the name of the original folder. That corrected the bad owners and provided write access where I previously had only read access. He had no thought on how the ownership got corrupted by ROBOCOPY but I am very happy with his solution. I post this in the hope that it may help others
December 5th, 2010 3:45pm

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