Can not update Windows XP Pro!
My computer came to me from a Church. Last January we had an apartment fire so we lost everything. Including our computers. So the Church gave me one that was donated to them. And the Administrator Password is in play. And noone knows it. I can not download the help I need, so what do I do? I can not afford to pay for the help. And my children really do need to be able to do there school work on it. PLEASE help me. Operating sys Windows XP Professional SP3 1 person needs an answerI do too
January 3rd, 2011 6:42am

My computer came to me from a Church. Last January we had an apartment fire so we lost everything. Including our computers. So the Church gave me one that was donated to them. And the Administrator Password is in play. And noone knows it. I can not download the help I need, so what do I do? I can not afford to pay for the help. And my children really do need to be able to do there school work on it. PLEASE help me. Operating sys Windows XP Professional SP3 I can certainly appreciate your circumstances. Unfortunately, MS Answers does not allow the posting of instructions to crack passwords.I do have a couple questions for you however. First, are you able to log on to any user account that has administrative privileges? If so, follow the instructions below.Click Start > Run > type "control userpasswords2" (without the quotation marks) > press Enter.Click on the Administrator account once > Click on the "Remove password" button.Reboot the computer. I don't vote for myself I'm not here for the points. If this post helps you, vote. Visit my forum @
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January 3rd, 2011 7:38am

Hi Tazziaa, Before the problem occured, did you receive any error messages?.
January 3rd, 2011 11:26am

Also did you receive any information about the restrictions in the registry editor.
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January 3rd, 2011 11:39am

"Tazziaa" wrote in message news:Email removed for privacy...My computer came to me from a Church. Last January we had an apartment fire so we lost everything. Including our computers. So the Church gave me one that was donated to them. And the Administrator Password is in play. And noone knows it. I can not download the help I need, so what do I do? I can not afford to pay for the help. And my children really do need to be able to do there school work on it. PLEASE help me. Operating sys Windows XP Professional SP3All installations of Win XP Professional have a built-in "Administrator" User Account. By default, that built-in "Administrator" account has no password - so if the sign-in screen prompts for a password, you should leave the password field blank.However, the built-in "Administrator" account is intended for troubleshooting - and not for ordinary day to day use. Consequently, the first owner of the computer might have created one or more ordinary User Accounts (with or without administrator privileges). The built-in "Administrator" account usually disappears from view, as soon as there are any other User Accounts on the computer.I'm not sure whether your problem affects the default "Administrator" account - or whether it affects a different User Account (which may have Administrator privileges).If the default "Administrator" account is hidden from the normal sign-in screen, press Ctrl + Alt + Del together twice. Then, type "Administrator" in the Account name field and leave the Password field blank. Alternatively, you could try to boot into Safe Mode. The boot screen will probably invite you to select a User Account. Select the account named "Administrator" and leave the password field blank.I hope you will be able to boot into the built-in Administrator account. If so, open Control Panel and double click on User Accounts. Select the account you intend to use on a daily basis - and delete or change the password.
January 3rd, 2011 1:14pm

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