Can see network computers, can't access
3 computers on net. Win7 (1), Win7(2), Vista Home. Xbox 360 Extend. All can see each other. (1) can see but not access. Can't even access itself. (2) and Vista can see and use ALL. Windows Firewall OFF CA Virus OFF Home group JOINED (1) & (2). Problem didn't start until I set up Window Media Center on (1). Changed WMC to (2) no solve problem. Tried moving (1) and (2) to PUBLIC. Made sure all access wide open on all. I've never seen a situation where a networked computer can see but not access itself. Former MCSE can RegEdit Hoping the fix is a "Doh, why didn't I think of that?" moment. Dan Derrick
January 17th, 2011 5:46pm

Hi, After checking this issue, I would like to confirm the following details: 1. Did you get any error information when you failed to open network share? 2. Could you access the network share via //[computer name]? Due to this issue did not occur before; you could try system restore to get back to a good time to check the result. If the issue persists, boot into safe mode with network to see what the result is. Meanwhile, ensure you enable the following settings on Network and Sharing Center.: · Enable network discovery · Turn on file and printer sharing · Turn off password protected sharing Hope it helps. Alex Zhao Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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January 20th, 2011 4:25am

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