Can the size of Microsoft Reserved (MSR) Partition be changed?

Per the Microsoft technet, the size of an MSR is 128 MB. But Mircosoft doesn't tell us if the size can be changed.

I have a question, does it still work well if create the MSR Partition with 200MB or 300MB+?

  • Edited by JZYPAY 21 hours 3 minutes ago change the title
March 7th, 2015 7:05am


Let me Google that for you

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March 7th, 2015 7:33am

Why do want to do that? 128 MB is a sufficient size at first place,  here is how you can do it,

create partition msr size=1000

March 7th, 2015 1:54pm

As efi and system partitotn can have larger size. Just want to know the 128M is the minimum size or changeless size for 16G+ hard disk.

Per the command "create partition msr size=1000", it looks like the msr partition can be assigned more space?

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March 7th, 2015 11:37pm

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