Can we use Microsoft Lync icons in custom applications that integrate at Lync APIs?

It is extremely difficult to find informations to this question and if, those informations are standardized legal texts that apply not directly to custom applications using Microsoft APIs.

Those are two examples of how I would like to use the Microsoft Lync icon in our applications:

1.) Lync icon placed into our custom GUI at the corner of a group box or similar to visualize a group of controls that control or display Lync functionalities (technically implemented either via Middletier or via Client API)

2.) Lync icon as small overlay over our application icon to visually tag this application as Lync integrated - visible e. g. in the task bar, desktop/start menu shortcut, etc.

Can we do this? Yes, no or are there any "it depends" conditions?

February 12th, 2014 12:39pm

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February 13th, 2014 2:01am

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