Cannot Access Network Properties
I'm having a strange error every time I try to open the properties of my internet connection. I had them open earlier when I was setting it up and it opened every time.But now I'm getting a "COM Surrogate has stopped working" error every time I click properties, so I can't get in to disable ICS. (I'm trying to get Xbox Live working again, I need to bridge the connections but I've already enabled ICS and now I can't disable it because of this error).I've googled the Error and it only seems to be affecting people viewing video files, I tried the Codecs fix just in case but no luck. Any ideas? I'm running Vista Home Premium, I bought a new PC today and it's giving me errors already, I knew Vista was going to be tough to love
November 24th, 2008 12:38am

This problem is caused by codecs and other COM components installed by some software which are not fully Vista-compatible, such as DivX or Nero.Renaming the file C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\ to Hope it helps.. dawoodHome Network and Wireless Network Help
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November 24th, 2008 4:28pm

That wasn't the problem, I had heard of that solution and already tried it. It's working now but sadly I can't remember what I did to fix it, it was late and I'd spent a lot of time trying I believe it had somehting to do with security settings, just a little Vista bug. Thanks for replying though.
November 28th, 2008 12:22am

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