Cannot Change Mouse Settings
Alright. I have Windows 7 7264 64-bit. Every time I try to edit my mouse settings via control panel, or any other place for that matter, I get this pop-up: Can anyone here help?
August 14th, 2009 10:12pm

Elkins - Unfortunately, build 7264 is not a build that can be discussed in this forum. That build is an internal interim build that Microsoft produced for internal testing and distribution to specific beta sites to test specific fixes for issues. It was NEVER meant for public consumption. The reason for this is while it might fix issue A, it might cause issue B, C, and D. There are two builds that we can discuss in this forum. Builds 7100 (RC) and 7600 (RTM). The offical postion can be found here.Thanks for understanding...
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August 14th, 2009 11:42pm

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