Cannot choose people to share with - File Sharing with set permissions in Win7 across workgroup network
Hi, I want to set different share permission levels for all machines accessing win7 shared folders I have a network of xp's vista's and now win7's. They all have net access, they all talk to each other fine, they can all access the server printers and file share. The problem starts when in Win7, I take away access to 'everybody' in [properties][security tab] and [properties][sharing]>{advanced sharing}>{permissions}>{Add} from a folder I am sharing to all other XP's and Vista's (9 in total) In the latter [properties][sharing]>...etc... it appears I can only add users local to this machine(win7). I want to add machines on the same 'workgroup' (not homegroup or domain) so i can consequently set their permission level. Within the {Add} mentioned above, there is a {location} button which only shows the local computer name. I was expecting this to show me all machines on the workgroup?? Have I got this idea wrong? When selecting {advanced} which is an advanced search I again have only the local location to choose from and with no option to search for other machines. Things ive tried Creating identical user accounts and passwords on win7 and Vista and turning on and off password protected sharing(PPS.) When PPS was enabled, I had no idea what the account credentials were. They were not the same as the Vista's user account credentials so I had to turn this back off. Enabling 40- or 56-bit encryption for devices which use it. To be honest, I didnt try 128bit because i dont think XP supports it? Firewalls off Pulling my Hair Out Checking Vista and Win7 both are discoverable and file sharing enabled Any ideas how to add a user from a networked machine (not local user) to the file sharing properties??? much appreciated mamastr -- Cheap Domain Names and Cheap Hosting - for less than a pint of beer a month -- Resources for making Money -- Setup your own domain and host reselling business at
April 9th, 2010 11:13pm

You have run into the classic problem of managing users in a workgroup. You can either turn on the guest account like XP and live with the poor security that entails or you need to create and maintain identical user names and passwords on all the computers. To do what you want you need a Windows server running Active Directory. Kerry Brown MS-MVP - Windows Desktop Experience
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April 10th, 2010 6:14pm

Thanks for your reply Kerry, How would turning on the guest account work? Am I to turn on the guest account on the central win7 machine?.. or on all the other machines? Could you please elaborate a little. Thanks-- Cheap Domain Names and Cheap Hosting - for less than a pint of beer a month -- Resources for making Money -- Setup your own domain and host reselling business at
April 11th, 2010 2:24pm

I would not enable the guest account. It is not recommended from a security point of view. Your only valid solution in a workgroup is to create identical accounts an passwords on all computers. Kerry Brown MS-MVP - Windows Desktop Experience
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
April 11th, 2010 5:37pm

Problems encountered when setting up a network with XP, VISTA, OSX10.5 and WIN7 Ah yes, your right Kerry. I did actually try all this, but by freak accident, the machine I tested the theory out on was setup to fail leaving me to think there was more of a fundamental issue. Having now setup a network with XP, VISTA, OSX10.5 and WIN7 with user privileges I can confirm its all possible, but I faced multiple problems on the way. Due to the help ive pulled off this forum over the years, it's only right, i put something back... (I use the term server, however this is a central machine using Win7) Problem 1. User accounts on central machine and node machine are exactly the same but user details did not work - Solution 1. Delete User on Node machine and create user account on server first. Log into User account on Server to create Desktop settings etc then re-create user on node. Problem 2. Everything is set up but no user name and password box appears, instead it just denies access. Solution 2. You only have a computer administrator setup on your node. You need to create another User account (admin or restricted user) When you restart your PC, you will only see the new account because the old computer administrator is now hidden unless booted up in safe mode. Ensure the user name is a synonym of your desired log in name. This new account will give you access to the username and password window when accessing server dir. (its a pain setting up a new user because you loose all personalised details. Dont forget to backup outlook and place all files in a location that can be shared between local users on the node) Problem 3. Im logged into Server, I can see the root folder but still denied access Solution 3. Check Share permissions AND security permissions on server (in this case its WIN7). I share to 'everyone' but restrict the security permissions to those users set up on the server. You can choose whether the client is to enter a password to log into windows. Here no password is required to log into the server (passwords must be the same.) Alternatively you can leave the OS password as blank to automatically log into windows, however the password will be prompted when you click on the server file.You should see 'x' amount of users on the log in page of the server. Keep the Guest account disabled as rightly advise by Kerry_Brown MVP. You can instantly see the limitations of managing multiple accounts this way, plus your limited to 20 sessions per second. How Privileges Work in Windows 7 You Can assign different user permissions for individual files in Win 7. The Root Network Folder e.g. \\server_name\ holds the dominant share settings. Lets give this folder access to everyone and security settings also have access to everyone. To change a folder within root e.g. \\server_name\folder1 - right click, properties, set sharing to those users who require access. Set Security to those who require access (make sure you have at least one user who has complete access else you will lock yourself out, it does warn you) In the security tab, select advanced and remove the <inherited properties> so the root folder no longer dominates the sub folder. That's about it! I hope this helps someone. -- Cheap Domain Names and Cheap Hosting - for less than a pint of beer a month -- Resources for making Money -- Setup your own domain and host reselling business at
April 14th, 2010 5:53pm

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