Cannot connect to tcp port 80
I am using Windows 7 Pro 64, and I am trying to run a web server on it. It listens to the port 80 on the ip address (the IP addres of my computer in the home network). The server says everything is OK, netstat -ano | find ":80" | find "LISTENING" gives TCP LISTENING 5804 when the server is running and gives nothing otherwise. The service called "Windows Firewall" is not running. Anti-virus software is not running. When I enter "" in my browser, I see the homepage of my server. But when I enter "" in the browser of any other computer in my home network, it says that it cannot connect, and telnet 80 cannot esteablish a connection. The server does not see any attempt to connect to it in this case. If I tell the server to use port 81 instead of 80, everything becomes OK. How to make it possible to connect to the port 80 form the local network?
April 9th, 2011 5:04pm

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