Cannot decrypt Bitlocker encrypted drive
I encrypted my D: drive with bitlocker in windows 7. Saved BitLocker Drive Encryption Recovery Key file in a cd. I installed a new copy of windows 7. The encrypted drive is detected as a RAW Partition. I am not able to access that drive in the new OS. I have BitLocker Drive Encryption Recovery Key file and i have noted it manually . Data i encrypted is very important. I want my drive back. Can someone help me?
November 13th, 2010 12:43am

The best method would have been to temporarily unlock the drive when making changes to the computer. Did you create a complete pc backup (system image) to restore the old installation? Try click Start\Control Panel\System and Security\Manage Bitlocker and turn it on for D:\. Then try to unlock it.
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November 13th, 2010 7:09am

Hi, You can use the Bitlocker Repair Tool with your recovery key to recover the disk. Please refer to the following link:
November 16th, 2010 3:14am

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