Cannot make Program Files and the Documents and Settings folders accessible
Hello, First of all let me describe my problem. I don't seem to get around having the Program Files and Documents and Settings folders accessible. I tried changing the attributes to -r and -s but that doesn't help either. I have system, administrator and pc users all three with full control from the permissions tab for each folder. I also cannot access the Documents and Settings folder, it keeps telling me that I don't have permission, an obvious contradiction since I am logged in as administrator and am the only user. Like I said above I read a previous post and followed the other forum member's solution (changing the attribute to -r and -s using attribute command from the DOS screen, but that doesn't do anything. Can anyone help? Thanks!
November 29th, 2009 11:35pm

In Windows Vista (and Windows 7) Documents and Settings is a junction point : a hidden, protected operating system file that's not meant to be accessed by users. It points to the user-accessible folder C:\Users.
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November 30th, 2009 1:26pm

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