Cannot share Windows Server 2003 domain files from Vista home premium desktop
1. One of our employees has a laptop with Vista Home Premium installed on it.2. We have a domain on a Windows 2003 Standard Server.3. The employee has a username and password on the domain.4. The employee also has the same username and password on the laptop as he has on our 2003 domain. He is administrator on the laptop.5. To test my problem, I've created a desktop with Vista Home premium on it. I've added two other usernames to the desktop as administrators. I gave these usernames the same username and password as those on the domain server.6. When I map a share on the server using either of the two additional usernames, I'm able to connect to the shares and can logoff and logon to the desktop again. The shares are still available.7. I am unable to even create the mapped drive for the employee mentioned at the top.8. I closely checked the property settings for each user by looking inside the user settings on the desktop.9. I know that Premium can't join the domain; I also know I would need to upgrade to Ultimate edition. Would rather not spend the money to join the domain.10. I've delayed doing the testing directly on the laptop mostly because the user is out of town and when he gets back I want to delay his being down as much as possible. I figure the hardware is not the issue. I did some initial attempts to connect him to a share via the laptop using his username and was unable to connect (just like on the desktop).11. I was able to connect one time on the laptop with one of the usernames (similar to on the desktop).
March 6th, 2009 2:00am

Hi, Thank you for posting. Please try the following to narrow down the issue: 1. Check the account ============== 1) Check the both the server side and the laptop to see if there are some specific configurations of the user accounts. Please also compare the details of the test desktop and the Windows Vista Home laptop, are there any differences, (for example, are they in the same OU)? Please let us know. 2) Please create a new same user (in the same OU with the test desktop ) on both the server side and the Windows Vista Home laptop to see if it works. 2. Map the share with the command net use ============================= Open a elevated command prompt, input the command as the following type, and then press ENTER: NET USE [Drive Letter:] \\ServerName\ShareName[\volume] [/USER:[domainname\]username] [password | *] [/PERSISTENT:Yes] For more information about this command, please refer to: Net use Hope this helps. Thanks. Nicholas Li - MSFT
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March 10th, 2009 8:03am

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