Cant connect to my SAMBA Server on Windows 8.1
Hi guys,

At home I have a computer with Linux (OpenSuSe).

There I created a samba server (samba 4)

Some weeks ago I had Windows 7 and there, I could connect without problems. It's possible to connect and I can access to my files.

But then I installed Windows 8.1 Proffesional.

There it works perfectly too BUT

1) when I disable and enable the network adapters I can connect but not login.

2) when I'm go to saving energy and come back I can connect but not login.

Well I even browsed communitys and they said I should disable in the saving energy mode, that this cant disable the network. It doesnt work ...

But when Im restarting my computer it works?!

Please help me!

Thanks in advance!

February 13th, 2015 4:01pm


We need confirm some information:

Did you mean disable and enable network adapter on which computer, Windows 8.1 or Samba Server?

What's the meaning of saving energy and on which computer?

Did you use remote desktop connection?

What error message appear when you attempt to connect it?

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February 15th, 2015 12:11am

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