Changing Default Hard Drive
Currently my hard drive is partitioned into 2 sections, 10gb for the OS, and ~100GB for everything else. unfortunately, windows had designated the OS partition as the primary storage location for program installations, music, pictures etc. How can I change this?
February 3rd, 2009 6:29am

For your documents, music, pictures etc.. Open up your Computer folder from the Start Menu. In the left pane, look for "Libraries". Right click on "Documents". Click properties. From the properties Window you may remove a folder, add a new folder (such as on the other drive) and remove those which you do not want displayed.As for your programs, you may be out of Luck. As far as I know, Microsoft does not support the relocation of the Program Files folder. You can change the location in the registry, however, you would then have to copy all the files over, and the search through the entire registry for all reference values of the old location. i agree we should be able to choose where to locate it just like we get the option where to locate our Windows directory.Microsoft Team, Can we possibly have some flexibility with this folder? Maybe and advanced tool for advanced users to create flexibility in their drive structures.
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February 3rd, 2009 7:33am

To relocate programs the easiest way is to install them using custom options in the installer routine- and then point the installer at the other drive. This will allow the installer to create the proper registry entries pointing to the other drive (rather than the C: drive).- John
February 3rd, 2009 3:50pm

That's what I'm doing right now, I'm just wondering if there's a way to change the installation settings, so the other drive is the default choice. Right now its just a mild inconvenience, not a major issue.
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February 3rd, 2009 9:49pm

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