Clipboard not working on Windows 7 after using Remote Desktop
Hello, Sometimes, after using Remote Desktop to connect to other computers, my clipboard stops working. I can press Ctrl+C as many times as I want, no text is going to be copied in the Clipboard. I had this issue bot on my home PC, which is Winodws 7 Enterprise 32 bit and my work PC where Windows 7 x64 Enterprise is installed. The two PCs have a completely different hardware configuration. If I select a text in notepad, right-click on it and hit Cut (or if I hit Ctrl+X), the text won't be even deleted, it stays there. If I make a remote desktop connection to another PC, there the clipboard is working, I can copy/paste, but if I minimize the window and come back to the host machine, it won't let me paste the text i have copied in the Remote Desktop connection. Also, if I start an MS Virtual Machine where Win XP Pro is installed, I can copy-paste there, but if I come back to my PC (host), the text won't be pasted, again. This problem appears randomly, but only after using Remote Desktop a few times, and I can't tell the exact steps to reproduce the issue. This problem is very-very annoying when I have something open that I can't close. I don't have viruses, I'm sure about this. I'm almost sure that's a bug in windows since I don't use different programs at home and at work. Windows XP had a Clipbook service - restarting this might have helped, but there is no such a service in Win7 anymore. Any suggestions? Best Regards, Levente Rog
May 26th, 2010 8:14pm

Not sure if this is exactly related to your problem, but read this: Cheers Alex
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May 26th, 2010 11:02pm

Thank you Alex, it was a very interesting article, Although, I'm using Windows 7 so no rdclip process can be killed here, I will definitely try killing the rdclip process on the remote machine while hoping that the problem is going to be solved. Regrads, Levi
May 27th, 2010 8:42pm

I don't think the keyboard driver is the problem because, as I posted earlier, cut/copy/paste via mouse is not working either.
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May 27th, 2010 8:44pm

Both my local and remote desktops are Windows 7. I killed the rdpclip.exe on the remote desktop, then restarted that task, and clipboard functionality resumed as normal. Thanks to those who posted re that process.
February 11th, 2011 12:50am

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