Configuring AD-domain to enable Remote Assistance
Hello, My situation is that at the momentI can't get Remote Assistance work from Win2003 to Vista SP1. Earlier, I've configured Remote Assistance to work between 2003 and XP, but when I plugged Vista machines to the same domain, RA givers error: Automation server can't create object Like I said, with XP, remote assistance works. It requires; - tcp 135, 3389 to be opened - propertly configured access rights using the group policy For Vista, I created new OU, where I did Vista's policy using new GPO's and I checked, that correct settings are applied to Vista machine. I also updated newer terminal service to srv2003, RDP 6.0. Still I get the same ***
July 23rd, 2008 11:32am

Both computers are in same lan, without any network restrictions between. RDP works fine, RA not.
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July 23rd, 2008 3:30pm

Hi, Based on my research, it is not possible to offer unsolicited Remote Assistance from Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 (expert) to Windows Vista (novice). This is because the Help & Support Service has been deprecated in Windows Vista. When you try to offer Remote Assistance from Windows XP/ Windows Server 2003, it needs to instantiate the HelpSvc DCOM object on the Windows Vista machine - however, this object does not exist. To work around this issue, use one of the following methods: 1) Use a Windows Vista Machine as the Expert machine 2) The Windows Vista machine can send an invitation either via email or by using a file invitation that the Windows Server 2003 machine can use to connect. Hope it helps.
July 25th, 2008 11:09am

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