Critical Structure Exception BSOD


I am getting a BSOD stating only Critical Structure Exception. Since I dont think I have virtualbox or that hardware accelerator thingy that causes it, I need support. If only I knew how to upload my .dmp's to this topic...

https://dl . dropboxu  sercontent . com /u/39719029/012114-48125-01 . dmp

above is a makeshift url (because for some reason I both cannot upload my dump files or place links... great =/) to my most recent dumpfile

  • Edited by Harmloos 18 hours 10 minutes ago
January 21st, 2014 12:04pm

If you are being told you cant post a link, or embed a picture (or any other restriction) you just need to post to this thread saying your account has not been validated Look for the verify your account thread that is stuck to the top of the page.
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January 21st, 2014 1:19pm

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