Custom scan(MpCmdRun) throws error 0x80508023


On our server(Windows Server 2012) SCEP 2012 R2 is our protection against virusses. For a POC we have to scan each uploaded file explicitely using MpCmdRum.exe.

1) Within SCEP.. the automatic update is sheduled for every day;

2) The upload-directory is excluded for scanning using the UI of SCEP...

After scanning the log shows that a error(80508023) occured during scanning. Hopefully anyone can help me because this problem drives me berzerk and I cannot find info on teh subject that's valid. Here's the output in the log-file (MpCmdRun.log):

MpCmdRun: Command Line: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Security Client\MpCmdRun.exe" -Scan -Scantype 3 -File 'D:\virusscan_uploads\V.JPEG' -DisableRemediation 
 Start Time: Tue Mar 17 2015 13:08:13

Start: MpScan(MP_FEATURE_SUPPORTED, dwOptions=3, path 'D:\virusscan_uploads\V.JPEG', DisableRemediation = 1)
INFO: ScheduleJob is not set. Skipping signature update.
Scanning path as file: 'D:\virusscan_uploads\V.JPEG'.
MpScan() started
Warning: MpScan() encounter errror. hr = 0x80508023
MpScan() was completed
ERROR: MpScan(dwOptions=33558577) Completion Failed 80508023
MpCmdRun: End Time: Tue Mar 17 2015 13:08:13

Thanx for reading and thinking about my issue. The scanned file 'V.JPEG' contains the 'EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE' virus-signature . If I enable ther scanning of the upload/folder SCEP imediately recognizes the threat and deletes(selected action=delete file) which triggers the SCEP nothiong seems to be wrong. 

Greeting Stefan Hendricks

March 17th, 2015 12:41pm

Try putting double quotes around D:\virusscan_uploads\V.JPEG instead of single
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March 17th, 2015 2:00pm

Try putting double quotes around D:\virusscan_uploads\V.JPEG instead of single
  • Proposed as answer by KevinMJohnston Wednesday, March 18, 2015 5:47 PM
March 17th, 2015 2:00pm

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