Customize Toolbar?
Does anyone know if its possible to customize the Toolbar? .In XP Pro/HomeI liked to remove some icons and add the red cross Delete icon to the Toolbar
January 28th, 2009 11:19am

Are you speaking of the Windows toolbar or an application running on Windows? I am unaware of ever being able to put a delete but directly on the Windows toolbar although this would be something that could be done inside an application.
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January 28th, 2009 1:26pm

It was in the Windows Toolbar in XP on My Documents.My Pictures,My Music etc Just Right click on the Toolbar choose Customize from the drop down Menu> then add or remove what ever icons you wanted.I did like to put the Delete red cross icon there so it was easy to select items in that window then just hit the Delete icon.
January 29th, 2009 2:14am

It seems that there are no options to customise what you consider to be the toolbar, in Windows 7. Although a delete button really isn't necessary. Simply select the file(s) you wish to delete and either press the delete key on your keyboard or right click the file(s) and select delete.
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January 29th, 2009 3:24am

Hi,I think what you are looking for is customisation of the Explorer window toolbars, which usually includes the back / forward and other buttons.In the Windows 7 beta there is currently no way (at least, not one that I can find) to customise the buttons (so you can't actually add the delete button).Sorry for the bad news - hopefully things will still change before release,Oren
January 29th, 2009 4:30am

Thanks for those answers, I will stop looking for that option
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January 29th, 2009 11:25am

Hi, Based on my knowledge, currently, we cannot customize Explorer Toolbar in Windows 7 beta version. Thanks.
January 29th, 2009 12:41pm

Hello all! I was hoping to find a positive answer to this question but I guess I was let down & completely disappointed. When managing lots of files, nothing becomes more simple than pressing a button. It's true that you can use the keyboard or the Organize Menu, but that takes more time/clicks if you're mostly working with a mouse. I don't know why a feature that has been on Windows since 3.11 (maybe more) and as simple as just placing a button on the mostly empty toolbar is so hard to implement. Besides, this completely departs from Microsoft's own vision of having to click less, and dig less though menus (Ribbon Toolbar in Office and even in MS Paint!!). Also, right clicking (adds one more click) gets stuck in thinking, maybe for the properties or such, but it doesn't show up right away, so it takes time. As much as Microsoft wants to make Windows their own, and with their own mind, why not make some (or many) power users happy by providing ways to customize the toolbars just like with Windows XP. Most users were fine with (XP) the simple Search, Back & Forward buttons on Windows XP, maybe because they had no clue they could customize. But then we, the power users, would customize AND recommend to customize the toolbars. Would it be that from now on we should start recommending Ubuntu? It's just for managing files after all. Nothing to do with applications! I hope Microsoft finds a way to let us work faster (as MS promotes its products - which would also save energy - be green) and be happier (as the new ads - and being green) with just a simple "Customize Toolbar" option on the Windows 7 Explorer toolbar which, the way it currently is, it's mostly empty. Thanks for providing this forum, since the I have yet to find the Send Feeback link in the Win7 RC.
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May 22nd, 2009 12:14pm

This is the first thing I do when I set up a computer is customize the toolbar. I like the Cut , Copy , Paste and, Delete buttons up there where it is handy. Saves clicks also. Windows 7 has other things that I will miss. One is the directory tree on the left that makes sense instead of helter-skelter files like it is. I find it easier to get lost in Windows explorer with the unorganized mess displayed. Sure wish they would give the option to change that to the way we like it. Another thing I hate is the Ribbon in Office seems they stired up all the entries from the old menu and scattered them about so we would think we were getting something new. Some functions are certainly hard to find. I have been using it for 2 years and still have to hunt for a button in the ribbon.
October 10th, 2009 2:52am

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