DHCP Fails after disable/enable of NIC on RC1
Odd issue... Whenever I disable the NIC then renable it for any reason it then fails to grab an IP. Where it gets even better is that if I do this for the physical NIC the 'issue' will occur on the WiFi adapter as well. I have run through just about every netowork fail resolution on these forums with no luck to include factory drivers, Vista drivers, reg hacks, reinstall of device... Nothing is logging in the event log about a fail, all services appear to be running, link light, etc. I know the resolution at this point is extreme, but reinstall of the OS does fix it... until I disable the NIC. I don't mind doing reinstalls because that's what playing with RC1 is all about, but the ability to disable and re-enable the NIC is a vital feature for me.The system is a Dell D630, nothing fancy. Windows 7 RC1 x64No additional software installed in order to duplicate the issue. Anyone else seeing this?
May 1st, 2009 9:36pm

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May 3rd, 2009 2:31am

Based on your description, it should be the driver problem. After you disable the NIC, the IP address does not exist in the system, but it should be still exists in the database of the router. When you enable it again, it should communicate with DHCP server (the router) and obtain the IP address again, and the issue should occur in this phase. If you completely remove the network adapter driver, it may work properly, until you disable the NIC again. You need a better driver for Windows 7 RC1. Hope that Dell will release compatible drivers.Arthur Xie - MSFT
May 4th, 2009 11:04am

I haven't been under the hood as far as device interaction with the OS yet, but on a quick high level... is the architecture that much different from Vista and Windows 7 when it comes to the network interface and driver sets? Would you recommend any additional debugging or possible driver SDK sets in order to determine if the issue is in fact the driver compatibility with the OS? Also, if this is the case and that waiting for Dell drivers are the resolution, why is it that the native Windows Broadcom drivers that get installed during the OS installreact the same way? I'm just trying to betterunderstand the underlying issue while I test on this OS.
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May 4th, 2009 8:34pm

After conducting additional testing, it appears to only happen on the D630. Tested on a Dell 620, which has the same model on board NIC, and the issue does not occur. Does anyone else happen to have a Dell 630 running Windows 7 (7100) RC1 x64 that would be willing to attempt to recreate this issue?
May 5th, 2009 11:20pm

Hi Chuck, You may need to install the driver that is provided by Dell. The driver can be downloaded from the following website. Dell Drivers & Downloads Important Note: Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information. Before installing the driver, I recommend that you remove the existed network adapter driver. 1. Click Start, enter devmgmt.msc in the Start Search box. 2. Expand the branch Network Adapters. 3. Double-click on the device, click the Driver tab.4. Click the button Uninstall. 5. Click Start, enter appwiz.cpl in the Start Search box6. Remove all programs that are related to the network adapter. Then reinstall the network driver. If the issue still occurs, I suspect that related system components are corrupt.Arthur Xie - MSFT
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May 11th, 2009 9:22am

I tried Dell's drivers initially when I started troubleshooting this issue, but for the sake of atrying something new step by step I will attempt what you have recomended and respond on the forums once I am done.
May 11th, 2009 8:58pm

Unfortunately, that did not resolve the issue. If you want to mark it resolved you can, but in this particular case with a fresh build using your instructions it does not resolve the original issue I have. I know the hardware is good due to the fact that it all runs and functions fine in Vista.
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May 14th, 2009 4:09pm

Hi, The network parts of Windows 7 RC and Windows Vista are different. I suspect that the DHCP server (the router) does not work with Windows 7 well. You may try to upgrade the firmware of the router.Arthur Xie - MSFT
May 22nd, 2009 7:38am

This happens regardless if a DHCP or static IP is being used. Not to mention, the DHCP scope is not being handled by a router. The DCHP scopes are being handled by a Windows 2003 Domain Controller in my test domain.
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May 22nd, 2009 7:05pm

Also thought I should mention that other Windows 7 machines are able to disable/enable the nic without issue in this test domain. Unfortunatly, I do not have another Dell 630 to test with. This is why I'm reaching out to the community to see if anyone else is having this particular issue. Like I mentioned before, this function works perfectly fine on this same exact hardware when running Vista x86/x64 and XP. That was one of my fist steps in troubleshooting this issue, was roll it back to a clean build with a production OS to see if I was dealing with a failed hardware issue, or a failed OS function issue. In this case, it has only failed in Windows 7.
May 22nd, 2009 7:16pm

We could confirm that your DHCP server does not have problems with Windows 7 RC system. Now the most possible cause is the driver of the network adapter. If the issue occurs in a clean system, it should not be a system issue. We hope that Dell could release new drivers to resolve this issue. From Dell support you may obtain provide more information. Dell - Contact Us Important Note: Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.Arthur Xie - MSFT
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May 25th, 2009 6:57am

hi,I am in DHCP client team and wanted to understand the issue you are facing. In order tofigure out the issue I need some traces,please provide me the traces by following the instructions below and then sending them to dhcpblog@microsoft.com1) Copy-paste the following exact instructions in a dhcptrace.cmd file@echo off IF "%1" == "-start" (netsh dhcpclient trace disable > NULnetsh trace stop > NULecho.echo Starting dhcp trace..echo.del /Q %TEMP%\DhcpTracesecho.echo Creating the folder %TEMP%\DhcpTracesecho.mkdir %TEMP%\DhcpTracesipconfig /all > %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\IpConfigStart.txtREG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v BuildLabEx > %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\BuildLabVersion.txtREG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters" /s > %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\TcpIpParametersStart.txtREG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters" /s > %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\TcpIp6ParametersStart.txtREG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dhcp\Parameters" /s > %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\DhcpParametersStart.txtnetsh trace start scenario=AddressAcquisition ^provider=Microsoft-Windows-TCPIP ^provider=Microsoft-Windows-winsock-AFD ^provider=Microsoft-Windows-WFP ^tracefile=%TEMP%\DhcpTraces\addracq-cap.etl protocol=UDP overwrite=yes report=no capture=yes >> %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\OtherLogs.txtnetsh dhcpclient trace enable >> %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\OtherLogs.txtnetsh dhcpclient trace dump copy /y %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\System32\Logfiles\WMI\dhcpv4trace.log %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\dhcpv4tracestart.log >> %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\OtherLogs.txtcopy /y %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\System32\Logfiles\WMI\dhcpv6trace.log %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\dhcpv6tracestart.log >> %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\OtherLogs.txtecho Dhcp tracing successfully startedgoto eof ) IF "%1" == "-stop" (echo.echo Stopping dhcp trace. Please wait for a few seconds..ipconfig /all > %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\IpConfigStop.txtREG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters" /s > %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\TcpIpParametersStop.txtREG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters" /s > %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\TcpIp6ParametersStop.txtREG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dhcp\Parameters" /s > %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\DhcpParametersStop.txtnetsh dhcpclient trace disable >> %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\OtherLogs.txtcopy /y %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\System32\Logfiles\WMI\dhcpcsvc.etl %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\dhcpcsvc.etl >> %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\OtherLogs.txtcopy /y %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\System32\Logfiles\WMI\dhcpcsvc6.etl %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\dhcpcsvc6.etl >> %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\OtherLogs.txtcopy /y %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\System32\Logfiles\WMI\dhcpqec.etl %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\dhcpqec.etl >> %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\OtherLogs.txtnetsh dhcpclient trace dumpcopy /y %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\System32\Logfiles\WMI\dhcpv4trace.log %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\dhcpv4traceend.log >> %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\OtherLogs.txtcopy /y %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\System32\Logfiles\WMI\dhcpv6trace.log %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\dhcpv6traceend.log >> %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\OtherLogs.txt netsh trace stop >> %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\OtherLogs.txtmove /y %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\addracq-cap.etl %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\addracq-cap-uncorrelated.etl >> %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\OtherLogs.txtnetsh trace correlate %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\addracq-cap-uncorrelated.etl %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\addracq-cap.etl retainpii=yes >> %TEMP%\DhcpTraces\OtherLogs.txtecho.echo Dhcp tracing successfully stopped. echo.echo Trace Location: %TEMP%\DhcpTraces echo.echo Please send this folder to the feature team.goto eof ) echo -start:starts the dhcp traceecho -stop:stops the dhcp traceecho eg::dhcptrace -startecho:dhcptrace -stop :eof2) Now on a machine where you are able to repro this issue, in an elevated prompt, please run "dhcptrace.cmd -start"3) Repro the issue. Try NIC disable-enable. As you said, the machine should not have grabbed the IP.4) Wait for5 mins and then run "dhcptrace.cmd -stop"5) The log files are copied in %TEMP%\dhcptraces. 6) Please compress and send us this folder.It will be really helpful if you can provide us the above mentionedtraces to figure out the exact issue.Thanks
May 25th, 2009 9:29am

Sounds like a plan. Once I get the laptop back in my handsI will get that debug information to you. Thanks for providing the script to help troubleshoot this issue.
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May 26th, 2009 10:14pm

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