DHCPv4 Client 0x5. Registery fixes did not work.
I have tried the registry fix (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;895149), didn't work. I cannot connect to the internet. This happened after a BSoD (0x0000007E). Troubleshooting did not work, DPS has the same problem. Thanks
March 30th, 2011 5:50am

Hi, Thank you for contacting us regarding your problem. Now that we have ownership of this issue, we will work with you until we find the problem and fix it. According to the information you provided, the issue is not explained clearly. You said that a problem is occurred after a BSOD. And I’m just wondering if you can provide the dump file, so that we can better know exactly the cause of the problem. You may upload the minidump via SkyDrive and post a link here. We will analyze and help you solve the problem as soon as possible If we define the issue properly, we’ll be able to analyze the issue in detail. Here is what we can do for you : The following step is to help you to get a screenshot for us that we think would be helpful. How to capture a screenshot ====================== 1. Press the Print Screen key (PrtScn) on your keyboard when the error appears. 2. Click "Start", type "mspaint" in the Search Bar and Press Enter. 3. In the Paint program, click the "Edit", click "Paste". Then click the "File" menu, and select "Save". 4. The "Save As" dialogue box will appear. Type a file name in the "File name:" box, for example: "screenshot". 5. Make sure "JPEG (*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.JPE;*.JFIF)" is selected in the "Save as type" box, click "Desktop" on the left pane and then click "Save". 6. Upload the screenshot to a photo sharing site, such as SkyDrive If you still have any further questions regarding this subject, please do not hesitate to let us know.
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April 3rd, 2011 11:39pm

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