DIfferents BSOD since I updated to Windows 8.1

I dont know anymore what to do I already received a lot of different BSOD crashes. 


I already formatted my notebook changed to Windows 7 and I still have the problem. I dont know how to identify the problem. Here is my minidump files: https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=6848DE66C1DD11AB%21637

Really appreciate any help here. Thanks in advance

January 13th, 2014 5:35pm


These crashes were related to memory management (probably caused by a driver). 

Please run these tests to verify your memory and find which driver is causing the problem.  I suspect it is a driver so I would start with Driver verifier.

If you are overclocking (pushing the components beyond their design) you should revert to default at least until the crashing is solved. If you don't know what it is you probably are not overclocking.
1-Memtest. (You can read more about running memtest here) 2-Driver verifier (for complete directions see our wiki here) Co-Authored by  JMH3143 .

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January 13th, 2014 6:19pm

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