DPWS and specifics of Presentation URL
Hi all, I have been playing around with DPWS and would like to know a few things. My goal is to expose a device via DPWS discovery mechanism. That part works fine. The device appears under Windows 7 Networks area and I can double-click on the icon and launch the device' webpage and also right click and select Properties and view the model URL, and other information. Now, what I would like to achieve is: 1. On double-clicking ( or launching the PresentationURL ), I would like to not invoke a webpage, instead open a samba share that my device exposes. I tried passing in a \\SambaNetbiosName\SambaShare format in the PresentationUrl , instead of the http:// thing, but Windows 7 discards it and says, device webpage not available. Is there anything in the DPWS SOAP response that I am missing that might be preventing Windows 7 Network browser from accepting the PresentationURL as valid ? If so, what? 2. On the right mouse context menu for the device on Windows 7 Network browser window, media devices get categorized under Media Devices and they offer a "Open media player" or similar option. Can I make my device appear as something appropriate also. Right now, it appears under Other devices. What in DPWS SOAP data that Windows looks for to categorize? I have researched PnP-X a bit, but I don't think I want to go that far in implementing a NAS.Storage type of device. I just would like to launch something other than a http:// presentation page , and DPWS is almost there, but just not all the way :) Thanks in advance for any pointers.
May 18th, 2012 9:15am

Hm.. it seems like this would probably be not the best forum for this question. Not sure where else to post though.
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May 18th, 2012 11:47pm

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