DUN Error a connection to the remote server could not be established

I`m using windows 8.1 64x

with MTS mblaze ec1561 and When in try to connect its says that 

remote computer doesn't respond

or a connection to the remote server could not be established

while on my (Friends)laptop it work like charm with same settings and same network configurations but win 7 64xbit

and before i was on win 7 it works for me too.

*Things i tried*

reconfigure network settings

dialing through dialing rules

reinstalling drivers and mobile partner

September 9th, 2015 8:55am

Hi Deepak,

Thank you for your question.

What is MTS mblaze ec1561?

We could check if we could ping remote server (include DNS resolve), then turn the firewall or delete Windows profile to check if the issue persist.

We could update Windows to the lasted.

If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know.

Best Regard,

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September 10th, 2015 4:03am

Its a model of dongle i`m using no not pinging 

Delete windows profile?pls elaborate

September 10th, 2015 6:43am

Hi Joshia,

I am sorry that I dont know which it is a model.

If that, we could enable Allow remote connections to this computer by the following steps to check if the issue persist:

1. Navigate to This PC->Right click Property->Remote settings
2. Choose Allow remote connections to this computer and uncheck Allow connections only from computer

If not, turn Windows firewall to check if the issue persist.

If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know.

Best Regard,

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 11th, 2015 11:33pm

Still issue persists.

any other sggestions?

i you tell me to check user:pass then i tell you that same user:pass connects in win 7 64x

same error 678

September 12th, 2015 4:57am

Still issue persists.

any other sggestions?

i you tell me to check user:pass then i tell you that same user:pass connects in win 7 64x

same error 678

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September 12th, 2015 8:55am

Hi Joshia,

If that, the model of dongle didnt belong to Microsoft, so we suggest you contact the vendor of dongle to get help.

Best Regard,

September 13th, 2015 10:07pm

Problem is not in model but in windows compatibility in win 7 its working fab and in win 8.1 it`s not

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September 13th, 2015 11:58pm

Hi Joshia,

Please make sure this model of dongle was supported on Windows 8.  

In addition, it is not Microsoft production, please contact vendor to get help.

Best Regard,

September 14th, 2015 5:14am