DVD/CD Drive

I had windows 8.1 Pro and i have recently installed the windows technical preview for windows 10. Well DVD/CD drive was working well and had no problems, then after a while it stopped appearing in my computer and device manager. I am wondering if this is a problem with the tech preview and will be resolved when win10 is released or not.

Also would it be wise to go back to win8 to resolve the issue for now, Or is there a solution to my problem. 

November 7th, 2014 5:37pm

Windows Technical Preview Build is a  preview release, so not everything goes as planned ,trying out an early build like this can be risky. That's why Microsoft recommend that you don't install the preview on your primary home or business PC.

After you install Windows Technical Preview, you wont be able to use the recovery partition on your PC to go back to your previous version of Windows

Have you checked the BIOS? Make sure that the CD/DVD cable is  firmly att

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November 7th, 2014 8:09pm

Yes checked both BIOS and cables all are fine. Which is leading me to believe there is a problem with tech preview.

I was only wondering really if anyone else had the same issue and if there is a solution.

And if i wanted to go back to win8 i can run my win8 install medium and put on a fresh copy without affecting personal files. 

November 8th, 2014 11:06am


Did you mean this issue occur when you installed Windows 8.1 or Windows technical preview?

Please follow these guide to troubleshoot this issue:

Your CD or DVD drive is not recognized by Windows or other programs


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November 11th, 2014 4:51am

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