Data Execution Prevention Error - After SP3 Upgrade
I have searched everywhere on google for solution on this and hoping forum can helpI just upgraded to XP SP3. My box was virus free and running fine before the upgrade. Now after the upgrade many times after I boot up (or within 30 mins thereafter) I get a popup "Data Execution Prevention". It says Windows Explorer. Close the message then shortly after the desktop crashes. BTW, I have XP Home Edition.I have had people suggest to configure DEP to ignore the error (ie add an exception in DEP config box) but I am hesitant to start adding exceptions in DEP becase doesnt that leave those programs unprotected? I'd rather fix the ROOT CAUSE. Does anyone have any inisght into what would be causing this to suddenly happen on SP3 but not before when I was on SP2? I'd like to identify and fix root cause.Whats is causing this and what is the fix? Many thanks!!
September 5th, 2010 1:17am

DEP error is due to upgrade.The Fix:Re-install XP from scratch, install SP3 and post-SP3 paches (~300MB total), and then put firewall. After doing these put DEP. As long as you have firewall and AV/AS, DEP is not necessary. Managing user policies is more important than trusting DEP. DEP is one way you bought specific computer...but to my knowledge I am illiterate on how many DE events DEP has blocked alone without an AV/AS package. My guess is zero. DEP came during MELISSA outbreak. but someone can correct me actual virus name.
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September 5th, 2010 7:40pm

Here is a method to actually figure out and fix the problem and does not involve reinstalling: have never reinstalled XP to fix any problem - certainly not a DEP issue! Since many people do not have XP installation media, reinstalling is not an always an easy option. You have to learn how to figure it out and fix problems imagining such options do not exist at all.Do you really think suggestions that begin with the words try, might or maybe are going to be helpful?I need YOUR votes and points for helpful replies and Propose as Answers. I am saving up for a pony!
September 6th, 2010 3:51am

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