Default Profiles Copying...Problem Solved?
Hi all, Many who use this forum have been trying to cope with the madness that MS inflicted on us when they greyed out the Copy Profile button. In fact MS felt so strongly about the issue that they stuck their head in the sand and after two years locked one of the most active threads on the subject (presumeably because they were as fed as hearing about the issue as we were when trying to find ways to solve the problem without using the quarry bulldozer that is Sysprep to dig up your prized vegatables that is the default always get far more than you bargaind for, and not in a good way). Anyway, our saviour is here...DefProf The link is to the blog post explaining some things about DefProf and the download links are somewhere near the bottom. It's a Run As Admin command line tool, but it does the job and really seems to slim down Default Profiles at the same time. And to think MS thought this was such a difficult issue to fix that they gave up, greyed out a button and caused a hell of a lot of fuss in the procees. Enjoy, Matt
July 7th, 2011 5:12am

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